Grandma Marcy's persimmon cookie recipe
Tony & Peggy Barthel - StressLess Campers


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Grandma's persimmon cookie recipe

Grandma's persimmon cookie recipe

Cookies are an important part of the RVing experience for us. If we’re going on a shorter trip we will usually make cookies in advance at home and have them with us. If the trip is longer, we use our RV oven to make cookies. 


In either case, we generally bring a few extra chairs and have cookies and chairs available to hang out. In fact, we’ve become bigger fans of RV social networks as tools for meeting fellow RVers. As such we’ll see who’s near by and potentially invite those people to the campsite for a cookie and a chat. 

This is part of Tony’s scheme of being a camp flirt

One of my favorite types of cookie growing up was my grandmother’s persimmon cookies and, with her recipe, they’re still a cookie I really enjoy. During the winter months as friends realize that the persimmons they’ve been growing are now an overabundance of persimmons, it’s a great time of year to make these. 

I thought you might like these persimmon cookies as well and, perhaps, you can help your friends with their persimmon abundance and make friends wherever you’re enjoying StressLess Camping. 



  • 1/2 Cup Shortening

  • 1 Cup Brown Sugar

  • 1 Egg well beaten

  • 2 Cups Flour

  • 1 tsp Baking Soda

  • 1 Cup Persimmon pulp

  • 1 Cup Nuts


My grandma Marcy and I on my wedding day.

My grandma Marcy and I on my wedding day.

  • Bake at 325° for 20-25 minutes

Born in 1922, my grandma Marcy is still baking these cookies to this day so it’s also a treat to get them from her. And she’s also quite the card player. 

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