Tony & Peggy Barthel - StressLess Campers


We’re Tony & Peggy Barthel and we’re working to help you be a StressLess Camper.

Into Indiana

Into Indiana

Another travel day! Today we drove to Indiana. For a switch, we will stay in one place five whole nights!

In the Truck

Into Indiana - we arrive on a rainy June 1

Today we drove into Indiana. It wasn’t a terribly long distance, but we did change time zones and lost an hour, so it felt long.

Also, we had rain most of the day. That makes the day seem longer.

Cravers Hall of Fame stories on slider boxes at White Castle

In the Castle

We saw the first White Castle of the trip, and woke up The Crave. Owned by the original Ingram family since 1921, there are over 350 White Castles in the United States. To my knowledge, the locations are all shaped like castles.

I am not really sure what is so appealing about going to White Castle. Part of it is, I suppose, that we can’t do it at home. The burgers are called sliders, and are small, as a slider should be. The slider includes a beef patty, cheese (if you want it), grilled onions, and a couple pickle slices. I am not really into grilled onions (though Tony loves onions in ANY form) and Tony doesn’t understand why the soggy bun doesn’t turn me away. Somehow, it’s not the same as soggy bread, which is absolute gross YUK.

Part of the fun of eating at White Castle is reading The Crave stories on the burger and fry boxes (which, by the way, are also shaped like castles). We wonder if we should submit a story about towing our travel trailer through White Castle parking lots?

You say you don’t live in the part of the country where Castles abound? No worries, they also provide bundles of sliders in the freezer section of supermarkets. I’ve never tried them, but I can’t imagine they taste the same as the fresh sliders in their little castle boxes.

inTech travel trailers leaving Indiana to their new owners.

Incoming inTech

We saw a lot of transporters carrying travel trailers west. That’s how we know we are close to, or in, Indiana. We saw several transporters with Rockwood products, as well as many other brands.

We even saw a couple of inTech trailers on their way west. These all-aluminum trailers are built for the rugged RV life!

In Camp

We arrived at the campground a little later than the office stays open. Which is fine, we have stayed here a few times before and knew where we were camping.

It was still raining, which makes setup extra - er, - fun.

I had reserved a site on the edge of the park near a side street. The first time we camped at this park, we were delighted watching and hearing the Amish buggies travel up and down this street.

What I didn’t realize - or remember - is that the power pedestal and water hookup for the site I chose was on the wrong side of the site. We managed the power hookup, but the water spigot was being stubborn and we were gettin more and more wet and miserable, so we gave up and hoped the water in the tank would outlast the rain.

While putting down the stabilizing jacks, I turned my body to avoid a stream of rainwater off the roof, and consequently I bonked my head pretty good on the Safe-T-Rail. While it was folded in. It’s not a large target when it’s folded, but somehow I managed a good conk just the same.

Also, in order to reach the water hose and electrical cord to the opposite side of the trailer, we had to park way off-center in the site, and the steps fold down into the wet grass, which somehow is always fresh-mowed so there is a lot of loose cutting to stick to your shoes. Which then deposit their catch all over the inside of the trailer. Oh, joy!

Sufficiently drenched, injured, and annoyed, I went inside and tried to get dry. It’s not really cold, and in fact we debated the benefits of running the heat or the air conditioning to help with the dampness. Finally, we settled on heat.

Amish buggies travel the road adjacent to our campsite even in the rain.

In Amish Country

The buggy traffic did not disappoint; there had been an event right down the road and when it ended we had quite a buggy parade. We also noted many buggies towing trailers with BBQs in them. It must have been a delicious event!

In for the Night

Having had the gut bomb of too many sliders for lunch, we were’t very hungry. I made a grilled cheese sandwich and we shared it. I took ibuprofen for the headache, and stubbornly refused to do any more work for the day. Thus, the “tomorrow morning” posting of our trip into Indiana.

Office, Laundry, and Shopping

Office, Laundry, and Shopping

A Day in the Office

A Day in the Office