Tony & Peggy Barthel - StressLess Campers


We’re Tony & Peggy Barthel and we’re working to help you be a StressLess Camper.

Work 'til ya Dye

Work 'til ya Dye

We spent the day in Minnesota today. Morning was spent int he office getting the podcast ready for publication. In the afternoon, we picked up the girls from where they stay after school, and took them home. On the way, we stopped and bought a box of hair dye.

Busy Morning

We wanted to get as much done as possible today, because we’ll be driving tomorrow. We recorded this week’s podcast and video. We had a couple of planning phone calls. Then we got to work with editing. We both were dedicated to our tasks.

Coffee, STAT!

I made coffee in the afternoon. We debated drinking cold brew, which we have in the fridge, but I was cool enough that I wanted hot coffee. I was a little bit impatient waiting for it to boil and I was imitating the old Mervyn’s “open, open” commercial.

We got the job done!

We both finished with our editing at about the same time. We cleaned up, and gathered ingredients so we could make meatloaf for dinner.

We picked up Luci and Savannah. On the way home we stopped at Walgreens because I wanted Luci to help me with may annual birthday tradition of dying my hair purple. The store we went to didn’t have the right color of Splat brand color. Luci helped me choose a different brand.

Meatloaf and Mash

We got to the house, and Denise and I got dinner started. I mixed up a meatloaf and Denise put potatoes on for mashing. We chatted and the girls played with he slime they made yesterday.

Denise also made some cheddar broccoli. When dinner was ready we sat down and enjoyed the meal very much. They all said they felt extra fancy eating in the dining room. It’s not because they wanted us to think they are fancy, it’s because that’s the table that has enough chairs for all of us. It was nice to sit as a family and eat dinner.

On a Dye-It

After dinner, we gathered up some towels and prepared the boxed dye. We decided to work in the backyard, because I didn’t want to stain anything in the house. Luci did a terrific job of getting the dye all through my hair. There was enough product left in the bottle, so I put color in her root line. Then we had just enough left for Savannah to get her bangs dyed. That girl’s hair is so dark that it’s hard to see the color in it, but in the right light her bangs are slightly purple!

Photo Ops

Last time we were here was the first day of the school year. We took some photos of the girls on their first day. This is about a week away from their last day, so naturally we wanted some update photos. We posed and got silly with the camera.

So long, farewell

Then it was time for us to say goodnight so the girls could get their rest and we could get back to camp. It’s not often that we drive at night, especially when traveling.

We gave all the hugs and kisses. The girls headed up the stairs and we all did our best at remembering the act from Sound of Music where the kids sing goodnight “so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night.”

We are again running the fireplace tonight to take the chill out of the air. It rained off and on all day and it’s a cool evening. Cool evenings make for good sleep. So, “farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night.”

Minnesconsin - We cross a state line today

Minnesconsin - We cross a state line today

