StressLess Camping

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Office, Laundry, and Shopping

We have been on the road a lot so today was a catch-up day of office work, laundry, and grocery shopping.

Time Zones

It was hard to wake up this morning. Because of crossing the time zone border yesterday, and summer going on, it stays light here in Michiana (northern Indiana) until way past 9:00 pm. So it was hard to realize it was bed time, other than being really tired from our rainy-day adventures.

My body also refused to believe that it was time to wake up this morning. It was after 8:30 before I finally was able to drag myself out of bed.

Tony fried some SPAM and eggs for our breakfast. We recorded the rest of this week’s podcast, and got all the files in order.

75 cents for 10 minutes isn't nearly enough to dry shirts.

Laundry Day

I’ve admitted before that I don’t mind laundry day on the road. Today I didn’t mind either, except that I had to make some choices. This campground has two washing machines and two driers. They were both empty, and the park isn’t very full, so I took a chance and used both machines. I normally like to leave a washer for someone else.

I also only had enough quarters to get through two loads, so I had to decide which laundry was most important. Tony was almost out of T-shirts, and our sheets were already pulled out of the RV SuperBag, so those were the two loads I chose.

Laundry hanging all over the trailer to get dry with Ryobi fans

While the clothes washed, I worked on editing. I didn’t need to use my headphones because I was alone in the building. The machines were not cheap. It was $3.25 to wash, and 75 cents for 10 minutes of drying. And no extensions. I was instructed to let the 10 minutes run out, then add another 75 cents for 10 more minutes. Ugh!

I was able to get the sheets dry, but all the T-shirts had to come back to the trailer a little bit damp. We found places to hang all of them all over, and turned on the Ryobi fans.


We needed a couple of groceries. The only mouthwash I really like is available at Kroger-affiliated markets. I found that there was a Kroger in Elkhart, which is about 25 miles away. As is WalMart. Tony loves shopping at WalMart. We got ready, left the T-shirts all over the trailer to dry, and headed to Elkhart.

As we were approaching Elkhart, we discussed dinner. We had taken Boudin out of the freezer to eat tonight. However, I was really hungry and I knew it would be a long time before we finished our errands and got home to cook.

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Fried chicken, grits, and fried apples at Cracker Barrel

So, we didn’t. Instead, we found a Cracker Barrel. Now, we often like to find local places to eat but all I could seem to find was Mexican and Chinese restaurants. No offense, but we don’t expect good Mexican food in Elkhart Indiana. And we didn’t want Chinese. So Cracker Barrel was the winning vote.

I got fried chicken with grits and fried apples. Tony got a hamburger steak with fried okra and hashbrown casserole. And of course there were buttermilk biscuits. I only ate two of my four pieces of chicken. Breakfast will be great!

We tried salted caramel and Amish peanut butter ice cream flavor.


When we got back into Shipshewana, Tony drive thought town. I thought we were just site-seeing, until he came across Vanilla Bean Creamery and pulled in. Then I realized he was scoping out ice cream the whole time! Hahaha

Driving on a non-drive day

It took nearly an hour each way for our little excursion, so we got back pretty tired. We put away our groceries, and took our vitamins. And just like that, it’s bed time!