Tony & Peggy Barthel - StressLess Campers


We’re Tony & Peggy Barthel and we’re working to help you be a StressLess Camper.

RV domicile states - tips, tricks and ideas

RV domicile states - tips, tricks and ideas

On this week’s StressLess Camping RV podcast we talk about choosing a domicile state for full-time RVers and what it takes, the challenges, some of the benefits and why we chose South Dakota. What’s the best state to claim for RV domicile? What do you need to change your state and why would you want to change your domicile state as a full-time RVer? What about mail? Health and vehicle insurance?

Other places to hear the podcast

Our guest, host and good friend Lesa McDermott, VP of Operations at Girl Camper

RV holding tanks - how to win the stinky battle

RV holding tanks - how to win the stinky battle

Travel trailer hitching safety - tips, tricks and checklists

Travel trailer hitching safety - tips, tricks and checklists