Tony & Peggy Barthel - StressLess Campers


We’re Tony & Peggy Barthel and we’re working to help you be a StressLess Camper.

Fly fishing and RVing with Dave Stewart of Wet Fly Swing

Fly fishing and RVing with Dave Stewart of Wet Fly Swing

Dave Stewart is not only an RVer and podcaster but also a fly fishing enthusiast. This week on the StressLess Camping RV podcast we get some tips, tricks and stories from Dave including ways to get started in this outdoors hobby. This is a great way to enjoy the great outdoors and Dave is a great spokesperson for the hobby.

We also have an important safety tip so you don’t get burned and some easy food for your next road trip.

Other places to hear the podcast

Mentioned on this episode

Our guest Dave Stewart comes to us from Wet Fly Swing. He also has a regular podcast and some great insider tips.

An interesting article from RVLock on the best fly fishing spots in the US.

Check out Peggy’s recipe for protein waffles.

Tony went to check out the new Grand Design Lineage. Here’s his review.

If you’re confused about solar, battery power or just want to upgrade your RV we have found the solutions from ABC Upfitters are both reliable and exceptional.

We have a podcast episode and video where you can learn more here.

Our trusted partners - RV Discounts and Deals

Automated transcript of StressLess Camping RV podcast episode 267

Tony Barthel

Hey. There there's something fishy going on around here.

Peggy Barthel

This week, on the Stressless Camping RV Podcast, we speak with fellow podcaster and fly fishing expert Dave Stewart from Wet Fly Swing. That's wet fly swing. While we're normally fishing for ways to help you, this week we're dropping a line and hitting the lakes or streams.

Tony Barthel

And we also have a very important fire safety tip as well. So grab your fishing pole and join us because I'm Tony.

Peggy Barthel

And I'm Peggy.

Tony Barthel

And we're 2 RV industry veterans who are about to travel part time on our way to pick up our small trailer. And

Peggy Barthel

And we're looking to share big adventures and help you with great tips

Tony Barthel


Peggy Barthel

And discounts. We traded places.

Tony Barthel

Oh, man. Hey, you know, you can't find good help nowadays.

Peggy Barthel

Hey, I gotta say, we drove for, like, 10 hours today.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. We

Peggy Barthel

are on our way to Indiana. We're staying in hotels because we're going to pick up our travel trailer.

Tony Barthel


Peggy Barthel

And, you know, hotels aren't as great as our travel trailer, but we are gonna get a free breakfast tomorrow.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. That's for sure. This week, you know, I don't know about you, but we listen to a number of podcasts. In fact, perhaps we could share some of those. But one of the ones we do listen to and have for a long time, even me, is the Girl Camper podcast.

Peggy Barthel

That's right. And we also get their newsletters, and the other day, we got a newsletter, and the title was, are you a crappy camper? What? And I thought it was gonna be like a toilet review or something.

Dave Stewart

And we're all

Tony Barthel

flushed with excitement.

Peggy Barthel

That's the kind of thing we would do. Right? Yeah.

Tony Barthel

And we just wanna bowl you up.

Peggy Barthel

Actually, it was an article about essentially about Leave No Trace, about being a good camper, a good friend and neighbor. We will put a link in the show notes for the podcast episode 137 when we talk to the people from Leave No Trace.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. It's pretty interesting, and it's something we all could really be cognizant of.

Peggy Barthel

So Absolutely.

Tony Barthel

Hey. I wanted to share, you know, as the resident nerd of Internet stuffs

Peggy Barthel

around TFA?

Tony Barthel

Hey. What are you trying to say? I have been looking at you know, I'm always looking at other websites. Well, both of us are.

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

And we were on one yesterday. Well, there was one in particular and there were just so many video pop ups and this pop up and that interruption and it really was distracting from

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

Just trying to get information or read the content I went there for. And I have to tell you, all those pop ups and all that stuff is also available to us. And I just know. I mean we No.

Peggy Barthel

We have we have done it. I hate it. I hate our own website when we're doing it, and okay. You know why they're there. Right?

Peggy Barthel

Oh, we

Tony Barthel

make Yeah.

Peggy Barthel

You make we can make some money.

Tony Barthel


Peggy Barthel

I mean, yeah. That's why that's why we do put them, and we still have some ads within

Tony Barthel

our audience. Just be an expensive hobby.

Peggy Barthel

Right. We do have ads, but what we took out altogether was anything that pops up in those pop up videos. And the ones you can't get rid of. Oh my gosh. So, yeah.

Peggy Barthel

So we, uh, Tony took those out. So if you find a page that has a flying flipping video ad, please let us know. We don't want it there. We don't want to annoy you with it. Uh, like I told Tony, if I try to read something on a website and there's that all those pop up pop ups, I just leave and don't go back.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. So that is really counterproductive.

Tony Barthel

Well, it it is, but it's not. I mean, if I if we can make visiting the Stressless Camping website and sharing the articles make you feel good and give you real information. Yeah. Then we hope more people will do so, and that, you know, that will will help us too.

Peggy Barthel

For sure.

Tony Barthel

So that's the way we do things. That's our philosophy.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. When we're in Indiana

Dave Stewart

Yeah. We get to

Peggy Barthel

see our friends from ABC.

Tony Barthel

Boy, they have been doing as I think we alluded to last week, they have been doing a lot of upgrades to systems they've already put in. Oh, right. What happens is people will get their system from ABC Upfitters, and then they realize, oh, gosh. This is working so well. I wanna stay off the grid longer, or I wanna run my air conditioner longer, or whatever it happens to be.

Tony Barthel

And so one of the nice things about the systems from ABC Outfitters is you're not just at a dead end. They are all Mastervolt systems. They are designed by, you know, one company. And so if there is a potential to upgrade, and there usually is, then they can pull that off for you. And it's just a good feeling.

Tony Barthel

And and something I've said about the RV industry, a lot of times you buy something and you just feel like nobody's got your back.

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

But ABC Outfitters, there's all kinds of way you can get support. They are they're able to speak to normal people as opposed to nerds. I mean, they can speak to nerds too. Sure. They can.

Tony Barthel

They're really good at being a good group of people to deal with. And so if you're looking for a great solar system or you're just curious, give them a call at 574-333-3225. We look forward to actually seeing them next week and some of the upgrades they're doing. And also just going from, you know, no solar or lithium to complete working systems. So they do all sorts of systems of all sizes and part of that is listening to you and how you like to camp and maybe start small and move up or maybe just go nuts.

Tony Barthel

I've seen some banned outfits that are just crazy. So anyway, ABC Outfitters, great people to deal with, 574-333-3225, or you can watch videos and see more information about them in the show notes at

Peggy Barthel

Well, if you like to go camping whether on or off the grid, but also go fishing, particularly fly fishing, have we got some stuff for you.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. As you will hear in the interview, Peggy has actually done more fishing than I have, And the way Dave Stewart from Wet Fly Swing talks about this, it's it's really interesting. So without any further ado, grab a beer, sit here by the lake, and let's go fishing.

Peggy Barthel

Today, we are very thrilled to be joined by Dave Stewart from Wet Fly Swing. I've been practicing that because those don't flow together so well for me. I

Tony Barthel

know. Yeah.

Peggy Barthel

Dave, thank you for joining us. We're gonna talk about fly fishing today.

Dave Stewart

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm excited. Thanks for having me on here.

Dave Stewart

It's gonna be a great show, and I think that we have a diverse audience as well, but I think there's a lot of misnomers about fly fishing, about getting started, and how hard it is, and all that stuff. So hopefully, I can make it easier for people that are maybe new to it or maybe they've done it for a while and want a few tips.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. So I guess because we're a camping podcast, the first thing I should say is without having to give away your secret spaces, do you camp when you fish?

Dave Stewart

Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm a big in fact, I mean, you guys are right on track with me because we have an RV, and we're picking up a new one here in about a month. Oh. So I'm I'm with you.

Dave Stewart

We're we're I've got a small family, so we're always traveling and we're heading up to I listened to that episode you had on Alaska a while back.

Tony Barthel

Oh, I'm

Dave Stewart

because we're we're heading up to drive up to Alaska here, um, next year, and we're just getting all of our camper getting everything ready. So, yeah, I'm with you guys.

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

I wanna ask you what you're getting because we just talked to someone and they got an RV, and I got so sidetracked because I love talking about RV.

Peggy Barthel

He just wanted to talk about their new RV.

Dave Stewart

We we gotta definitely talk a little bit about today because I'm excited. We're actually getting a, uh, 4 wheel camper the backup.

Peggy Barthel

Oh, we love those.

Tony Barthel

We actually oh, okay. Here we go.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. Here

Tony Barthel

we go. We actually considered the project M. Mhmm.

Dave Stewart

That's what we're getting. Beautiful.

Peggy Barthel

Oh, man.

Dave Stewart

Yeah. We're getting they're actually a sponsor of the podcast this year, so it's kind of working together on it.

Peggy Barthel

Oh, fabulous.

Tony Barthel

They do a terrific job. Yeah.

Peggy Barthel

We got to borrow one of their campers, not a Project Dam, but a full kitted out camper for 10 days when we were between trailers a couple of years ago. We're not really good at with that small camping, but we had a good time for the 10 days that we did it. Yeah.

Dave Stewart

Yeah. No. I get it. We have a 20 foot, uh, Jayco, uh, Baja, like, pole behind me.

Peggy Barthel


Dave Stewart

I could do anything, for sure. I'd love to have one of those giant campers, but I think the smaller, the better for us because we're always getting into tiny places. And Mhmm.

Peggy Barthel

You know,

Dave Stewart

I've I've got that story of try having to back my camper up a mile on a gravel road.

Peggy Barthel

Oh, gosh. Oh, boy. You know

Dave Stewart

what I mean? So that's never fun. So I I we like it small.

Tony Barthel

And how many people are are with you when you go, typically?

Dave Stewart

Typically, it's just well, we used to have a dog, but now the dog has passed away. So it's, uh, just basically 4 of us, Megan and I and the 2 2 girls, 10 and 12. So

Peggy Barthel

You don't go in, like, groups or anything?

Dave Stewart

We do, but a lot of the stuff we do on that is river trips. We float the river and do that. So Fun. Yeah. Usually, the RV ing stuff is more like family, just us 4.

Tony Barthel

Okay. But that's 4 people in a pickup camper, so that's Yeah. You don't make the girls go sleep in a tent outside.

Dave Stewart

No. No. No. Well, the cool thing about the Project M, you probably remember, it's got a king-size bed. Right?

Peggy Barthel


Dave Stewart

Yeah. So there's plenty of room. And in fact, we've done I've had a just a camper shell or just a shell in the back for a while. And we've even I've built in a little camper so we can sleep in the back of that, but that's pretty tight. I actually am the one that ends up sleeping out on the cot outside the door.

Tony Barthel

So then that's gonna beg the question of me not being familiar with life. Well, I'm familiar with it, but not knowing much about it. The gear that you bring, it obviously can be pretty compact.

Dave Stewart

Yep. It can.

Tony Barthel

We have a friend who has a a a toy hauler, and the whole ceiling, they've they've outfitted with just all different I mean, it's like any hobby. Right? You can go nuts.

Dave Stewart

But That's right. I mean, fly fishing is the same way. You can go totally nuts, and you can have every, you know, rod and boat and, you know, everything you can imagine. But you can also go very small and just have, you know, one fly rod and and a couple flies, and, you know, that's pretty much it, and you're good to go. And so, you know, we like to do a little of both.

Dave Stewart

You know, if you're backpacking into remote wilderness, throw in a little travel rod that packs down into your backpack, You know? Throw a couple flies in a leader, and you're good to go. Uh, or you can you know, if you're doing a remote like, the Grand Canyon float trip or something like that, 2 week adventure, You know, you're taking your fly rod and all a bunch of gear and waiters and boots and everything else. So but it is. I like to keep it simple.

Dave Stewart

The KISS is my favorite acronym. You know? Keep it simple, stupid. So, you know, just keep it simple is the more you know, makes it easier. But, um, yeah.

Dave Stewart

I mean, it's it's I think a lot of people think, like, the whole learning of casting and understanding entomology and bugs and everything is overwhelming, but, really, there's some simple things. If you get a fly rod, you can learn to cast in probably a day, just the basics to get the fly out there. And then you just need to get on the water, maybe stop by your local fly shop and ask them where to go. They'll, a lot of times, give you a little map. So there's a lot of resources out there, and I like to say, you know, keep it simple and don't don't try to do everything in in, you know, one day.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. Because you have the ultimate cheat sheet for fly fishing, the beginner's cheat sheet.

Dave Stewart

Yeah. Yeah. We do. So I I was gonna put there's a link out at stressless. So there's a link there, and and that and that'll, uh, direct over to a a a basically, a page that I put on our site, which is some quick easy tips in getting going.

Dave Stewart

And it's actually from guests we've had on the show, and there's a few videos there. And, you know, we we get into it. There's a little bit on what gear you need, you know, get picking a rod, and I've got a couple of great rods that are you know, that's another thing people talk about is that it's so expensive. But really, you can get a good all around rod for a $150, you know, $200, and that's like the whole thing. So that you know, that's not too bad, and that's a high quality.

Dave Stewart

That's not a cheap rod, so that's something that's gonna last you a lifetime and stuff like that. So for that, you're on the water and you're fishing and, um, yeah. But that page has a little guide, so you can watch those videos, and then I have an episode I put together Fantastic. Everybody can listen to and if they wanna learn about it. And then I always like to mention, you know, we're a great resource, so I'm always looking for new episodes.

Dave Stewart

So if anybody reaches out to me,, I'll put together an episode for them, and I'll answer any questions they have.

Peggy Barthel

Oh, nice.

Dave Stewart

There's a topic, you know, if there's a location. We travel around with our travel program around the country, And so we're hitting you know, we're going to Wisconsin for a road trip here, uh, in September, and we're we're we were in Virginia a couple months ago, so we're always hitting new areas. So I'm pretty sure I've had a guest likely from your state no matter where you are on the

Peggy Barthel

state. Oh, that's awesome. Now I should have asked this right in the beginning. What do you catch with fly fishing?

Tony Barthel

Fish. That's

Dave Stewart

that's a good question. No. That's the great thing is that's another misnomer because people think fly fishing of, say, 20 years ago or whatever was, okay, it's all trout. And a lot of people still do fish for trout. It's probably the still the most popular.

Dave Stewart

But you can name a species right now, and I and I guarantee I probably know somebody who's probably fished for it. And if not, I have also have an episode. But in the extreme version is I interviewed somebody, Conway Bowman, earlier this year. He's out in California, and he fishes for mako sharks on a fly rod.

Peggy Barthel

Really? Wow.

Dave Stewart

So the giant top of the food chain predator, he's catching. He just if you go look at his Instagram, Conway Bowman, you can see him, uh, a Mako coming in towards the boat, taking the fly and fish on and jumping 20 feet out of

Peggy Barthel

the way. Oh, so you can fly fish in a in a stream, in a river, in a lake, in a ocean In the ocean. Pretty much anywhere then.

Dave Stewart

Anywhere in a pond as long as there's water because if you think about it, even warm water fish. Right? Catfish, you know, you name it, snakehead. There's all these crazy fish all around the country, around the world, and and all of them will take a fly.

Tony Barthel

Mhmm. Is that changed because of improvements in the gear or improvements in learning or because as you said, you know, I I associated it with predominantly trout fishing

Dave Stewart

Yeah. But sharks. That is the extreme. We we I did ask Conway that episode. I said, hey, how many people are doing this?

Dave Stewart

And, like, he's the only guy pretty much guide for sharks. There's other there's been other people that have tried it, but yeah. So that's the extreme. But, you know, there's a lot of guides that are around for trout fishing, you know, anywhere around the country. Um, but, yeah, I think it is gear is a big part of it.

Dave Stewart

You know, obviously, if you're catching a Mako, you gotta have special you know, specialized gear. But the rods, like I said, for $200 now, that rod, probably 10 years ago, probably cost you $800. But the tech has gotten so much better and the quality is so much better is that there's and we joke about this, but you literally can't buy a bad fly rod these days. You could probably go to any store and pick up a rod that'll be fine. And so the tech's better.

Dave Stewart

The fly lines, they actually you know, when you're casting, that's the thing with the fly rod. Right? You're casting it. Those lines have gotten a lot better, so they're easier to cast now. They're more durable.

Dave Stewart

And then, um, you know, and that and then with the education, I think all the stuff like we're doing now, podcasts and all this online education just made it such a resource that people now can go on and listen to a podcast in approximately an hour, you know, learn about how to do it, an area to go, and all that. So I think those are the 2 big things.

Peggy Barthel

And do most people still tie their own flies, or do most people buy flies?

Dave Stewart

Yeah. That's that's kind of a little mix. I think some people I think we go in, like, everything, you go ups and downs of evolution. Like myself, I started tying, you know, at my dad's fly shop back in the day, and I'm kinda burnt out, so I don't really tie flies anymore. But I but I also know people that have been on the show that are just hardcore.

Dave Stewart

Some people just tie flies. They don't even fly fish. Some people are just into that. So, um, I feel like it's open. You know, if you wanna try something new, fly tying is awesome.

Dave Stewart

You know, it's something like in the wintertime when it's snowing out, you can do that in, you know, in the office. So but, uh, you know, to be honest with you, I'm not sure. I would probably guess that 5050. You know, 50 percent of people probably tie, maybe 50. I don't know, something like that.

Dave Stewart

But I think everybody's probably if they fly fish, they probably dabbled in fly time.

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

Where is a good place? Is this something you can learn to do well on video? Or, I mean, obviously, you're, like, looking at your phone out standing in a screen.

Peggy Barthel

Don't drop the

Dave Stewart

Not quite like that. Not quite like that. Yeah. Well, I mean, I think for the flight casting, that's one of the big stumbling blocks for people. A lot of people think, oh, man.

Dave Stewart

How you you know, you guys remember the movie A River Runs Through It that came out in the early nineties. Right? Brad Pitt, Robert Redford. I mean, that was a amazing movie, the biggest fly fishing movie ever. But, um, you know, you remember them on casting.

Dave Stewart

They were doing this amazing cast. I can't remember what they called it, but it was this beautiful fly cast. So everybody thinks of the fly cast as this really challenging thing that's impossible to learn. But, you know, there definitely are lots of resources out there. In fact, I just had a guest on who is a teacher of fly casting, and he will take if you take a video of yourself fly casting, he will watch the video and analyze it and then give you tips on it.

Peggy Barthel

Oh, cool. Right?

Dave Stewart

And so that's some of the online stuff. There's lots of that. We've done lots of videos with fly casting experts um, that we have resources. But I think the best thing you could do is probably if you're in an area, try see if you have a local fly shop. Just search for fly fishing shop near your area.

Dave Stewart

And if one pops up, that's probably the best best thing because then you can go into the shop and you can say, hey. I I wanna learn to fly fish. A lot of times, pretty much, if it's if this if the shop is worth its weight, you know, they will say, hey. Come out back. I'll show you how to do it.

Dave Stewart

They won't charge you anything. They'll give you some tips, and then they'll, you know, get you on your way. So that's probably the best thing. But if you do have questions about resources, we have a lot of them in that. Um, and, actually, I'll put a another link down to the Federation of Fly Fishers International, who is another group that helps people get going on casting.

Dave Stewart

I'll put that on that webpage as well.

Peggy Barthel

So fly fishing basically again, maybe I did this in the wrong order, but it's fishing, obviously. You cast, you cast your rod out, cast your line out. Yep. But then the difference is that you don't just sit there and then wait. Right?

Peggy Barthel

So fly fishing is a lot more active. You cast and reel and cast and reel Yeah. Rather than just cast and wait to see what happens.

Dave Stewart

Yeah. I think that's pretty much I mean, I think the one that, you know, we say a lot with the difference between conventional fishing, lures, bait, whatever, and fly is that conventional, you have a weight of a lure on the end and your and your leader. And the weight of the lure is what cast the rod. Right? That will take so with fly fishing, your fly is very small usually, so the weight of the line, it's actually doing the casting of your of your lure, right, or your fly.

Dave Stewart

There is a lot. I think that's what people love about fly fishing. It it's more I think it's more active. You're always you you know, you don't have to always be near somebody. You could be in a lake fishing throughout your line and let it sit there and do little strips, things like that.

Dave Stewart

But but I think it is about the connection to, like, the the fish and the bugs and the entomology and just everything, and you can make it as much as you want or as little. So I think I'd say, yeah, it is more active probably than just conventional fishing.

Peggy Barthel

And when you say the entomology, because it's depending on where you are and what you're looking for and what kind of stream or lake or whatever, all that's gonna change what your fly is gonna look like.

Dave Stewart

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you, uh, you know, if you looked at the patterns out there I mean, right now I mean, there's thousands of different fly patterns. Right? Because you imagine without going too deep into entomology, right, the study of aquatic insects, there's all these bugs that live under the water.

Dave Stewart

Right? Stoneflies, mayflies. And what they do is essentially live at the bottom and then they hatch out. So you're in fly fishing for trout typically and other species. You're trying to imitate that little bug.

Dave Stewart

So if it's living on the bottom as a as a nymph down living on the bottom, you might be imitating your fly and putting it on the bottom and twitching it. Right? You're trying to imitate that. Or it might be emerging through the water column, or it might be hatching out as a dry fly, and that's where maybe you're casting your fly on the surface, and you're seeing a fish come up and eat it on the top.

Peggy Barthel

Interesting. It's really cool. There's a lot a lot to it, a lot to know and learn and but like you said, not like you have to be a scholar in it before you start. But

Dave Stewart

No. Definitely not. You do not have to know any of that bugs. Like, the entomology, you you could not even learn any of that and go in right now. And I could probably tell you 2 or 3 flies that I could give you right now, you know, elk or caddis, some things that you could use right now and go on the water and probably have a shot at catching a fish.

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

And you know what they say, a bad day fishing is better

Peggy Barthel

than a good day working.

Dave Stewart

That's right.

Peggy Barthel

I've never That's all true. You say that. So you also Dave, you have a podcast as well. You've said that. And and Mhmm.

Peggy Barthel

Really active, 600 and some episodes now.

Tony Barthel

3 episodes a week. Audience, don't get any ideas.

Peggy Barthel

Don't get any ideas.

Dave Stewart

It's not easy.

Tony Barthel

It's not a match.

Dave Stewart

We're cranking. I mean, we started out, you know, I I think you you've been going, I think, probably close to 5 or 6 years now.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. Yeah. We just yeah. We just finished up 5 years.

Dave Stewart

Pretty close. So I launched this in 2017, December 2017.

Peggy Barthel


Dave Stewart

We, uh, pretty much I was doing a bunch of different things, but I kinda set this goal. I was listening to a bunch of podcast at the time, and I wanted to start my own. And and I said, okay. I'm gonna do my podcast in 2 years. And the and the idea kinda came to me.

Dave Stewart

But, you know, since then, it's been it's been great. We started out doing 1 episode a week. Like you, we haven't missed an episode since 2017 every week.

Peggy Barthel


Dave Stewart

Holiday, whatever. But about 3 years ago, we tried 2 a week just to see what would happen, and people seemed to like it and all that. So, you know, this last year, we tested 3. And so since the start of this year, we've been doing 3, uh, every week.

Peggy Barthel

Wow. Wow. But

Tony Barthel

we haven't missed one yet. Knock on wood.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. Knock on wood. But that's the one.

Dave Stewart

1. I won a week. So Well, that's that's all. I mean, that's still, I think, great. I mean, that's really a lot of shows don't even do that.

Dave Stewart

Right? I mean, a lot of shows maybe do 2 a week, or you see a lot of shows pod fade. Right? Out of the out of the 4,000,000 podcasts that are out there right now, only about I think it's something like 500,000 are actually active, so they post regular podcast episodes.

Tony Barthel

I used to do one about classic cars, and that is one of the majority that is no longer active. I just

Dave Stewart

Yeah. It's me too. I've got a couple that have pod faded as well. I'm sorry to hear that.

Tony Barthel

So how long have you been camping then?

Dave Stewart

Oh, man. I mean, I walked out of the cradle, I think I pretty much have been, you know, been doing it. I can't I can't remember the first, but, yeah, I've been I'm sure I've got a picture of me as a baby out on the campground.

Peggy Barthel

Because you have to camp to fish. Right? Or else

Dave Stewart

Pretty much.

Peggy Barthel

There's Yeah.

Dave Stewart

You you don't have to, but it makes I saw it. More enjoyable.

Peggy Barthel

You could just go down to the local park and see what happens. Yeah. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

Local golf course and watch the golfers complain. Hey.

Dave Stewart

That happens. That trust me. I've had many I've a number of, uh, guests that have said they actually their golf ponds are some of the places they fish. It's, like, it's also it's legit.

Tony Barthel

Better watch out for Aaron Balls. Yeah. So then as a as a camper, do you have a best camping memory?

Dave Stewart

Oh, wow. Yeah. That's, um, those are always the tough ones. I mean, probably I mean, I guess I go back to this last trip. We I maybe you go back to the most recent really big one, but we did have a cool trip recently where we well, now does this have to have an RV related, or is this okay if it's just camping?

Tony Barthel

Oh, camping. Just camping.

Dave Stewart

Oh, you just camping. Okay. I mean, you know, I guess I've been talking about the one with my family lately. I'm gonna go back to one we did a while back where we floated the, uh, the Skeena River in remote kind of Canada trying to find steelhead. And this is one of those trips where we we kind of were up there for about 3 weeks.

Dave Stewart

We did a road trip up there, and then we found this remote canyon. And we took 10 days, and we jumped into this, and then we floated our way down. It was pretty crazy at one point. I mean, before we got in there, we didn't really, like, today, I would be doing it differently. I'd take on x or trout routes, and I'd map the whole thing so I'd know exactly.

Dave Stewart

Back then, we had a guy in Canada who basically did a napkin map,

Peggy Barthel

you know, and

Dave Stewart

and he said, like, here's a couple of things you should know, you know, about these rapids and things. But we got into some pretty big stuff, and it was tight. We didn't dump the boats or anything, but we were able to, you know, navigate the waters, and it was a lot bigger than we thought. So that was pretty cool. It was 10 days in the Skeena Basin, you know, basically chasing fishing for steelhead and and camping on the river.

Dave Stewart

And we had, you know, we ate, you know, those meals that the freeze dried right meals that we we that's what we ate for 10 days.

Peggy Barthel

Not fish. And that was just your family or was that a group?

Dave Stewart

That was me and, like, 3 friends.

Peggy Barthel


Dave Stewart

Yeah. That was just 3 friends. It was and we were it was full on. I mean, it was like we had dry suits and we were ready for the the worst stuff

Peggy Barthel

and there was

Dave Stewart

one spot that was so yeah. It was tight.

Peggy Barthel

You probably wouldn't have wanted to have the kids on that trip. Not at all. It sounds a little scary. Well,

Dave Stewart

fair. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

They would have been No.

Dave Stewart

Definitely not.

Tony Barthel

If it was a few years ago, they'd have been really young.

Dave Stewart

Yeah. Yeah. And even now, I mean, they've been through some white water, but, you know, like I said, the Grand Canyon would be a trip I would love to do. But I'm just a little leery because I I hate to think them swimming down the river in some giant white water. But I think I'll give them, like, maybe 2 2 or 3 more years, and they'll be ready to go.

Dave Stewart

Okay. But we'd love the river. The river stuff, I do a lot of river trips. That's kinda what we you know, that's that's the camping. Between that and then, you know, like I said, we're going down to you know, we're traveling to Wisconsin.

Dave Stewart

We're going to California. So I kind of think mixing it is is what, you know, I kind of love to do, mixing it up.

Peggy Barthel

And when you say you're floating down the river, are you in rafts or in actual, like like, sitting in a tube?

Dave Stewart

Yeah. So mainly, it's, uh, mainly, it's rafts or drift boats.

Peggy Barthel

I actually

Dave Stewart

have a drift boat, which is, yeah, just a hard boat that, you know, it's just like a raft. It's just, uh, you know, aluminum.

Peggy Barthel

And then you stop at night and set up a camp and

Dave Stewart

Exactly. Yep. Stop online. And sometimes if it's a a longer trip, you might stop multiple places, camp along the way. And then, um, you know, in some of these places, you know, we might even be hunting hunting and fishing and camping all on the same trip.

Tony Barthel

Wow. That's pretty cool.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. So conversely to your best camping memory, do you have a worst camping memory that you wanna share?

Dave Stewart

Man. So those are the ones that you kinda block out. Right? Right? I can't even I'm trying to think right now.

Dave Stewart

What is the worst? Man, this is tough because I I pretty much always have a great truck great time. I mean, well, here's here's a funny story. I this is this was camping. We're at, uh, and this is on the coast, and we were at a, uh, a friend who had this large property, and he was there was a bunch of people just camping out there.

Dave Stewart

And we actually had it was right after we bought the Jayco. We had it parked in this really great spot and, uh, under this big tree. It was perfect. And as I was walking towards the camper, I heard this 22 gun go off, and I felt my head. And I was like

Speaker 4

and I was like, what?

Dave Stewart

And I thought I was shot.

Tony Barthel

Oh, jeez.

Dave Stewart

Yeah. It was unbelievable. And I and I and I ducked, and I got down the ground. And I was like, okay. Am I okay?

Dave Stewart

And I was checking my head and stuff. And I reached up, and I realized the light I had, the headlamp, because I I, like, pretty much wear a headlamp everywhere. I bought these really cheap Chinese batteries and put it in, and it exploded on my head.

Peggy Barthel

Oh my gosh.

Tony Barthel

Oh, there's a breeze.

Dave Stewart

So there's a reminder of the cheap batteries don't do that. But, um, so that was kind of the start of a weekend that kinda wasn't the best weekend. It was one of those things where there was some there was some partying and, like, some music and loud like, the whole weekend turned that was the start of it. But that was probably not the funnest weekend. I think I'd rather much rather be with the family in a much smaller environment.

Dave Stewart

But, yeah, this was like a lot of people, and it was just kind of a a can't yeah. I don't know if you guys have ever done that before where you got a lot of people around. It kinda gets a little crazy.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. It can get a little overwhelming.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. Especially when the alcohol starts flowing.

Dave Stewart

Right. That's the other thing. Yeah.

Peggy Barthel

I was kind of wondering if your if your worst camping memory might have something to do with, like, being in a raft in pouring rain for 10 days or something.

Dave Stewart

Yeah. I have done that. Well Just

Peggy Barthel

to me, that would be a terrible memory.

Dave Stewart

Yeah. It's not as bad that you know, when you have the right gear. You know, I've done that before. I've definitely been fishing in snow and all that stuff. And it's, in fact, that skiina trip we took, it was really it was cold.

Dave Stewart

You know, we barely could get a fire going. Right? It was that cold, and it snowed couple of mornings. But I have I did have a trip, a long trip, 5 days float trip where we dumped the rafts. So we were going through the rapids, and it was we we actually flipped, and all of our gear was, like, over.

Dave Stewart

So that was not a good trip. That so that was one that was kind of a memorable try to avoid that. That's actually the only time that's ever happened to me. So I guess I'll add that to the the ones I wanna forget. Right.

Tony Barthel

But but I suspect that a lot of fly fishing is done just from the shoreline. Yeah. So you don't have to go on a boat. Nope.

Dave Stewart

If you don't want to, you can

Tony Barthel

if you do.

Peggy Barthel


Dave Stewart

Yep. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

So since you have 2 young daughters, do they have they taken up fly fishing?

Dave Stewart

They know how to do it. They can cast, but they're not totally addicted like I am.

Tony Barthel

How about you?

Dave Stewart

I'm really forced to yeah. Uh, she is, um, she kinda gives me crap because she says, like, I haven't taught her well enough. You know what I mean? But she she she's good. She's good.

Dave Stewart

It's just that, um, I think that's what I'm gonna do this year is actually maybe get her a guide this year to help her. That's in fact, that's one of the tips. I we had these out of these 600 episodes, I I took all the 600 guests we've had on. I, uh, summarized, like, the top things I've heard, and I and I summarized them the 5 top things I've heard from all those 600 episodes. And the number one thing I've heard most often is, like, get a guide, you know, a fishing guide.

Dave Stewart

And even though it costs a little bit of money, um, that's something that can really lower that learning curve because of the you know, obviously, if you get out with somebody that knows what they're doing, you know, you just kinda save a lot of time. You don't have to do that, and it is fun also to get out there on your own. So don't feel like you have to do that. But that is one tip that's a good one.

Tony Barthel

We used to own a resort on Clear Lake. You probably are familiar with Clear Lake,

Dave Stewart


Tony Barthel

there was a local guide. A lot of our guests went there it was, uh, bass fishing. His company is bass, uh, Bassin' with Bob. Yeah. And they all nobody came back and was disappointed that they spent the money.

Tony Barthel


Dave Stewart

No. No. It's well worth I mean, again, it's the prices, you know, vary up and down, but you can get a half day trip with a great guy. And if and, again, check with your local fly shop or check with me. I have contacts all over the country.

Dave Stewart

That's what we do with our travel program. You know, we we find these guests we've had on that have been really awesome, and then we do a giveaway event around that to give away a free trip to go here. And then we travel out to the location, and then we meet up with the with the winner and then the other people who paid for the spots. And then we get guided on the water from these the greatest around the country. So I've I've interviewed most of the the great guys as well, which has been pretty cool.

Tony Barthel

Oh, that's cool. Well, once again, we have Dave Stewart from Wet Fly Swing. If you would give us the URL for the tips that you would put together.

Dave Stewart

Yeah. If you just go to wet fly, that'll link over to, um, there'll be the PDF download of the the top five things is at the very bottom, but then you'll see the videos and then a little episode will be real clear when you hop on there.

Tony Barthel

Fantastic. Great. Our show notes on the website, there'll be a link straight there. We try to make it easy or would you say

Dave Stewart

stressless? Stressless. Alright. You guys by the way, you guys are doing a great job. I love your your podcast, and I I you know, all the topics.

Dave Stewart

I mean, it's a huge resource. You guys, everything you've covered and all the guests has been great.

Peggy Barthel

Thank you. Oh, thank you.

Tony Barthel

Thank you very much.

Peggy Barthel

And thank you for your time and your patience with me in scheduling this time.

Dave Stewart

You bet.

Peggy Barthel

Happy fishing.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. Yeah. Anything that we missed that we should have covered?

Dave Stewart

No. No. I don't think so. I think it's pretty easy. I think keeping it simple is the best thing and just, you know, get started.

Dave Stewart

If you have any curiosities about it, you know, I'd say everybody that I've ever talked to that's tried it has loved it. And so so it's easy to get into, and that's my only that's kind of the tip I I love to throw out there.

Peggy Barthel

Great. Sounds good. Thank you very much.

Tony Barthel

Thank you so much, and, uh, we'll see

Dave Stewart

you out

Tony Barthel

on the lake.

Dave Stewart

Alright. Thanks again. We'll we'll talk to you later.

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

Hopefully, you enjoyed hearing from Dave. We've had a few people with questions about our Amazon link. People said, oh, I clicked on the Amazon link, and it just took me right to Amazon. And there are some links that we put that go directly to products. We don't particularly have a individual store, so there's no way we can Right.

Tony Barthel

Link you to that. We do have lists that are linked in places, but if you just click on our Amazon link and it just takes you to Amazon, know that what happens is Jeff Bezos himself steps off his rocket ship, goes back to work, and writes us an itty bitty little check as a thank you if you buy something on Amazon after clicking our link.

Peggy Barthel

Well, what happens is for those people that say, hey, it didn't take me to your store, It's a link. The one that we put on our website, we put the link that will tell Jeff that we sent you there.

Tony Barthel

And, yeah, he gets off

Dave Stewart

his rocket ship.

Peggy Barthel

Right from right to his rocket ship it says, yo, Stressless camping told this guy to go shop here. But it does kind of do something like that. It's not very obvious. As Tony said, you'll use the link. It'll take you maybe to a product, but just know that that product is linked to our referral code, I guess, so they know.

Tony Barthel

If you're more curious about how all that nonsense works, come over to Stressless Campers Facebook group and ask, and I'll be happy to waste a lot

Peggy Barthel

of your time. Explaining it.

Tony Barthel

But know that it doesn't cost you anymore. It's just Right. We're just co conspiring to take a wee bit of Jeff Bezos money away from him.

Peggy Barthel

As we were getting ready to come on this trip, I wanted to have a fair amount of snacks that we could snack in the car if needed, but also make our own lunches and knowing that we were staying in hotels, maybe even make our own dinners. And one of the things I made was egg bites.

Tony Barthel

Oh, I love those.

Peggy Barthel

And we'll put a link to the egg bites, but also one of the things that I've talked about in the past but never actually put a recipe on the website was for protein waffles. So I finally sat myself down and made a recipe for you. They're super easy. It takes protein powder. I use some psyllium, excuse me, psyllium husk.

Tony Barthel

Well that's just the psyllium

Peggy Barthel

that I've ever heard. I use some fiber. It's not necessary, but protein and egg really are the main ingredients. I also put maybe some vanilla, some, like I said, some fiber.

Tony Barthel

Well, you made cheese ones too.

Peggy Barthel

Right? Well, those are chaffles. Okay. And that's a complete that's basically egg and a bunch of shredded cheese.

Dave Stewart


Peggy Barthel

That's the recipe. But the protein waffles, we have a few different flavors of protein. So in preparation for this trip, I made apple and cinnamon waffles. I made blueberry waffles. I made vanilla waffles.

Tony Barthel

Here's something I really like. We take those protein waffles and put a little bit of either cream cheese or laughing cow, one of those little wedges.

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

And then some black forest ham. Mhmm. That's good. And you get a little bit of sweet. You get a little bit of savory.

Tony Barthel

It's just and it's really easy.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. Something else I like is like making the using them for bread for like a chicken salad sandwich, maybe the blueberry ones because, you know, sometimes you'll get a chicken salad that has dried blueberries or creme craisins or something and so, you know, sometimes I worry that fruit flavored waffles aren't gonna go with meat, but ham and turkey and fruit flavored waffles, there's no problem there.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. It's it's pretty doggone good. And like I said, I like putting a little cream cheese or one of those laughing cow wedgies on there. And that's some kind of good eating. And very convenient, that's the thing.

Peggy Barthel

And they freeze really, really well. So I Yeah. I made like 5 dozen waffles and put them in the freezer.

Tony Barthel

Well, goofy us, we brought our 12 volt cooler and we have a bunch frozen so

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

There you go.

Peggy Barthel

Hey, last week, you know, when we were talking about our camping trip, we mentioned that one of the tents that we put up was our Privy Bivy from SylvanSport.

Tony Barthel

Yeah, which is like a toilet and or shower tent.

Peggy Barthel

The original design of that shape of tent was, I think, a shower tent, but they call it privy bivy. So if you're at all military or whatever or renaissance, privy is the toilets. Right? Mhmm. And so so it's a a place to hide your toilet.

Tony Barthel

And we did that. That's what we did. Yeah. As you, you know, if you listened last week, and we even saw, or we even showed some pictures of it.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. And, you know, Tony has reviewed a couple of the SylvanSport RVs.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. Oh, the Yeah.

Peggy Barthel

They're Because they're really awesome. The Silvansport has some really, really great stuff. I have wanted a few of their things. One of the other things we do have is the WayLite hiking pole.

Tony Barthel

Yeah, so this is neat because it's a hiking pole that's height adjustable.

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

And then there's like a ball on top that lights up.

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

So you have a way to see where you're going, and it's a hiking pole, and on it's rechargeable. It's a pretty nifty thing. I did write a review of that. Yep. And you can also, like, use it, you know, if you're in the forest and you encounter your mortal enemy and you go, En garde.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. I'm sure that works.

Tony Barthel

No. That's probably a bad use of that.

Peggy Barthel

It does have kind of a pointy end, so we have just stuck it into the ground and then turned it on just for ambient lighting Yeah. That's pretty cool.

Tony Barthel

When we're sitting around, that's

Peggy Barthel

cool. But the SylvanSport, I we have those 2. There's a couple that I'm really, really, really wanting.

Tony Barthel

I want a Dino Max.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. Exactly. Much. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

I would really like to get my hands on a Dino Max.

Peggy Barthel

So we, um, have been kind of It's Dino Mac. Very slowly exchanging emails with SilvanSport, and so we might have a little more information for you in the next couple weeks about that.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. And maybe a discount. We'll see.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. That's what we're hoping.

Tony Barthel

Well, what we don't have a discount on, this is an RV that I talked about a few weeks ago, and Grand Design came out with their very first motorized rig. It's a class c and it's called the Lineage. And I wrote a full review of it, so I'll put a link to that. But this past weekend, I got to go actually see and touch it. I have to say, I am very, very impressed.

Tony Barthel

One of the things I always say as you're looking at RVs, start at the chassis and work your way up.

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

And this uses the Sprinter 45100 chassis. Most of these little class c's use a 35100, and there was over a £1,000 of cargo carrying capacity on this. There's just so much on this thing that's so well designed, and they just seem to think of just about everything. So if you're at all curious about Class C's, check out the review I wrote of the Grand Design Lineage. Now one thing I will say, our nephew works for a company that tows a lot of stuff.

Tony Barthel

Mhmm. Uh, including sprinter vans from Colorado to New Mexico where they can have service done. So if you do choose a motorized rig, think long and hard about that Sprinter chassis, because the availability of maintenance on those things is not as common as maybe you'd like. And the cost of, you know, when normal maintenance is expensive, but when something breaks, oh, la, and la. It is not pretty.

Tony Barthel

So that's my one complaint about that. But read the review if if you're interested.

Speaker 4

Even if you're not, why not?

Tony Barthel

Right? They've really done some exceptional things with that lineage, and I hope that kinda shows the direction Grand Design is going in. We'll see.

Peggy Barthel

Last week we got an email from our friend Reverend Scott and he had a really great idea. I don't know if you're aware of how many parts of the country are on fire right now. Oh, I think I think I think everyone is. Common story in the summertime, but in California, at least one of those fires was caused by chains dragging. And actually today, we saw a U Haul trailer that had lost its tire, and it was dragging Oh.

Peggy Barthel

Sparking trying to drag itself

Tony Barthel

off of

Peggy Barthel

the highway. That's the kind of thing that starts these uncontrollable fires. Well, Reverend Scott recommended that you get some fire hose, some used fire hose cut to length, slide it over your chains. It doesn't affect the use of the chains at all, they're still gonna hook up from your trailer, now we're talking travel trailer of course, to your truck, and it doesn't affect the use of the chains. But if they do happen to hang too low and drag on the highway, they are not going to spark because it's going to be the fire hose that's making contact with the highway.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. At least for a while.

Peggy Barthel

Well, sure.

Tony Barthel

But, I mean, you know, if you don't, you can kinda twist the chains a wee bit, and it shortens them as well without reducing their performance. But the fire hose that Scott was talking about, fire departments eventually, the fire hose kinda is beyond its life expectancy. So you can get segments of hose for free from some fire departments and just put those around your chains, and it can help you avoid starting a forest fire. And I have to say, if you are known to be the one that start that fire, whether by on purpose or on accident Yeah. They're gonna send you a bill, and it is not gonna be pretty.

Tony Barthel

Plus, you have the whole guilt of dug on it. I burned down the forest.

Dave Stewart

Oh, nice.

Tony Barthel

It's a great free tip from our buddy, Reverend Scott, who is a just a super cool guy.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. So last week, we didn't ask a question of the week, but the week before we asked, you know, after we talked to Joel Holland, are you a member of Escapees and have you joined any of their events? So some of you have and listed them and thank you for that. We have only been to escapees events a couple of different times. We really want to do more if we would ever just slow down.

Tony Barthel

Well, next year I think we will prioritize going to some

Peggy Barthel

of them. We will prioritize shorter trips and more of these kind of group fun things.

Tony Barthel

But Yes.

Peggy Barthel

Anyway, thank you for answering. I wish I had gone ahead and asked a question last week because now it feels a little bit out of place, but the question for this week is, do you tent camp? Yeah. Now obviously that's because we were talking about tent camping and it would have been a good time to ask, but I'm curious if you have tent camped, if you do tent camp, if you mostly RV but once in a while you tent camp. If you do, do you obviously you must like it.

Peggy Barthel

If you don't, why don't you?

Tony Barthel

I'm curious how many people have an RV and still tent camp. Yeah. And all of that, you can weigh in at our fun and friendly Stressless Campers Facebook group. Let us know, and, you know, if you have other questions or whatnot

Peggy Barthel

Like Brian?

Tony Barthel

Yeah. Please feel free to utilize that. You know, we're we're it's kind of a fun place.

Peggy Barthel

It is. We try to make it fun. Yeah. Also what's fun is receiving our weekly newsletter.

Tony Barthel

It really is.

Peggy Barthel

I don't know if it's that fun, but it's free.

Tony Barthel

Yes, it is. Well, that's where you'll find links to the stories, videos, and podcasts that'll help you get the most out of your RV experience.

Peggy Barthel

Just visit the website and you can sign up. If it's your first time, there will be a pop up, even though we talked about how we don't do pop ups.

Tony Barthel

We don't do pop ups, but there is gonna be a pop up.

Peggy Barthel

We don't do advertising pop ups.

Tony Barthel


Peggy Barthel

But otherwise, just at the bottom of every page, you have a place to sign up for the email. Please know that we don't share, we don't sell, we don't give anyone your information, we don't spam you, we send you one newsletter a week to kind of remind you about the podcast, but also sharing those stories and things that we talked about. But that's all we do. We don't have time to do more.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. Right? And you will find find the show notes and that is on the podcast page at and this is episode 267.

Peggy Barthel

Indeed. Also on our website, of course,, there is the deals and discounts page, including the link to Amazon, whether it looks like it or not. And it, we just try to offer you all the best deals on things you're gonna need for your Stress Less Camping adventure.

Tony Barthel

Yep. And by the way, if you are out there wasting time on social media because I know I like to, We are probably in the same place as you are, so you can start at, and from there there are links to all of our various presences on the social media world.

Peggy Barthel

Now you know you can listen to the Stressless Camping podcast on the website. Yep. But if you have a favorite podcast catcher that you like to use, you can subscribe to the Stressless Camping podcast. It's absolutely free, and it'll make sure that you don't miss any future episodes.

Tony Barthel

What a tragedy that would be.

Peggy Barthel

It would.

Tony Barthel

Because we are saving you a seed around our virtual campfire. And also know that when you write a review, you take some of your time and write a review, it means the world to us. We read every single one of them. It also tells wherever you're writing that review that, hey, people are listening to this thing.

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

They are more likely to tell others about the Stressless Camping podcast if there are reviews. And we just got one last week from

Peggy Barthel

someone. Yes. Penelope. Penelope wrote, I loved diving into Stressless Camping. Tony and Peggy have fun banter What?

Peggy Barthel

Feature great guests What? And share helpful tips for life on the road. You didn't know these things? No. She says they hit a large range of topics.

Tony Barthel

Like fly fishing.

Peggy Barthel

So every episode is exciting and different. A great podcast to dive into on a long road trip.

Tony Barthel

Thank you so much, Penelope. We really appreciate those kind words. And Well, if you heard something you like, you could always share it with your friends, and we have a page on our website to help you do that. If you see people asking questions in social media, and you're like, wait a minute, this doesn't sound right. We've probably written an article about

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

The answer to that, where it's actually vetted and verified, and you can share those articles with people on social. Now, that really goes a long way to

Peggy Barthel

It sure helps a lot. To tell

Tony Barthel

people about us, and also making you look like you are providing good information. So it's everybody wins and I love that. Well, with that, we are so excited to be in Indiana. If if you don't know, uh, next week, we will be at the frog rally at the Elkhart at the Elkhart County 4 H Fairgrounds.

Peggy Barthel

That's right. If you're in the area, let us know because we have some free time. We might be able to sneak away and maybe have a beer or something.

Tony Barthel

Oh. Yeah. There's that Goshen Brewery, but or if you're at the Frog Rally, we're giving 3 seminars, and we'd love to catch up with you. So thank you again for your time this week. We hope you have a wonderful week, and most of all Stressless camping.

Mark Ferrell

We hope you learned a lot and had some fun and got some tips for your next stress less camping adventure. We're honored by your reviews on Apple Podcasts, which helps others find us too. Don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss out on the adventure, and we look forward to your joining us next week. Until then, happy camping.

Tony Barthel

You know what they say, a bad day fishing is better than a good day working.

Dave Stewart

That's right.

RV electrical safety round table with Mike Sokol and ABC Upfitters

RV electrical safety round table with Mike Sokol and ABC Upfitters

Camping’s in Tents - two RVers go back to tent camping

Camping’s in Tents - two RVers go back to tent camping