RV construction - what's the best kind of RV?

This week we talk RV construction types and figure out what’s best with our friend Josh Winters from Haylett RV. Are you trying to decide between aluminum-framed and laminated trailer or a traditional wood-framed aluminum-skinned trailer? What’s the best choice and why? We answer all those questions this week plus talk about an exciting new trailer and even pay a visit to see Bigfoot.

The Thanksgiving 2020 Episode

This week we talk about StressLess Camping on Thanksgiving with some great tips and hints for making a campground Thanksgiving meal. Our three guest chefs and campground cooks have some great ideas to use today or in the future. We’ve got a lot to be thankful for so pull up a plate and join us as we enjoy some StressLess Camping - Thanksgiving style!

RV winterization tips

We speak about winterizing your RV with Adam Douglas who is our go-to guy for winterizing tips. Should you use compressed air or RV antifreeze for winterization? Adam has the tips and insights. Then we head outside to the campfire and share some great campfire S’Mores tips from our partners GrubStick.

RV safe navigation

RV navigation can help you avoid costly mistakes or even injury by making sure you stay on roads that can accommodate your RV. We talk with Patrick Buchanan from RV Trip Wizard about their RV-safe navigation and trip planning system and how it can help you avoid trouble.

We also talk about RV fresh water tank sanitization and a new RV inline water sanitizer that could make the process easier and safer.

Tips to find boondocking for StressLess Camping

Boondocking can be a great way to enjoy free or inexpensive camping but where do you find the best spots and where is the best place to find free and inexpensive camping? How do some people manage to find those magical hidden destinations? This week we talk about finding great boondocking spots. Plus our gadget report has a useful inexpensive item that can help you with your RV scissor jacks.

How to know if you're safe to tow an RV trailer - calculating towing capacities

Towing is a common question and this week’s podcast is all about towing and towing safety. We speak with Oren Kern about towing and tips for knowing what you can safely tow. We also decipher all the points of information you’ll need to determine if you can tow safely. Can you really safely tow the trailer of your dreams? We have the answer this week on the StressLess Camping podcast.

New RV refrigerator trends with Josh the RV Nerd

Things are changing on the RV refrigerator front and we’ve got the latest info the newest technology in RV refrigerators and we’ve got Josh, the RV Nerd, from Haylett RV in Coldwater Michican to talk the advantages of the new systems and challenges with existing choices. There are some great new choices you should know about and we’ve got the info. Plus we also share info from Camp California on seven tips for leave-no-trace camping.