Tony & Peggy Barthel - StressLess Campers


We’re Tony & Peggy Barthel and we’re working to help you be a StressLess Camper.

Can you RV generator free? Will it be worse or better?

Can you RV generator free? Will it be worse or better?

Can you RV generator free? Does California’s forthcoming ban on generators mean the end of RVing as we know it, or is it really no big deal? We have tips, tricks and our own experience camping without a generator.

We come to you from the FMCA Western Regional rally this week and have some exciting plans and opportunities over the next few weeks.

We also don’t want to forget our new Lectric XP 3.0 bikes and have some details on the new features in this redesigned outstanding eBike.

Other places to hear the podcast

Mentioned on this episode

The StressLess Camping podcast Facebook group.

  1. The StressLess Camping Facebook Page:

  2. Information from GasBuddy on fuel pricing and forecasts on fuel prices.

  3. Our article on RVing generator free:

  4. Lectric eBikes -

  5. The fit RV episode 80:

If you’re confused about solar, battery power or just want to upgrade your RV we have found the solutions from ABC Upfitters are both reliable and exceptional.

We have a podcast episode and video where you can learn more here.

Transcript of the podcast

Welcome to the weekly podcast, all about turning the great American RV adventure into stress less camping. Each week we explore tips, tricks, ideas, and destinations, and talk to the happiest campers in the RV world. Pull up a seat at the campfire as we enjoy some Stressless camping.

Welcome to, well, it's really too windy for our campfire.

<Laugh>. Yeah. They even told us not to have one. <laugh>. I'm Tony.

I’m Peggy. And we are two RV industry veterans. Traveling part-time.

In our new small trailer,

Looking to share big adventures and help you with great tips, bricks and discounts. And we are coming to you this week from Southern California. We are very specifically in India tonight, and we'll be until Sunday morning. Sunday, yep. At the F M C A rally in Indio. <laugh>.

Right now, it's not too late to come and visit if you're anywhere near Indio, if you can even drive there in a reasonable amount of time. They do still, I mean, they still have some RV parking, but maybe now that it's Thursday, it might be a little late for that. But you could try. But also if you just wanna come for the day, you can come, it's only $10 and you can do a day pass and come check out all the vendors and some seminars and check out what FM c a rallies are all about.


We already know a few people who are going to be there and looking forward to meeting some of them and seeing others again. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, this is in India. We have a link in the show notes too, the full details on our RV show calendar, which has been getting Monster traffic again. Yeah. Usually people looking for RV shows. We have a pretty good RV show calendar, but Right. Anyway, we are also going to be doing live Facebook feeds every day at 8:00 AM Pacific time.

And you can find more in info on those at our Facebook page.

That's called Stressless Camping. And that's the Facebook page, not the podcast group that we always talk about.

Right. That's specifically our Facebook page. And we'll put a link to that in the show notes. By the way, I always talk about the show notes and if you, there are details on each episode including show notes, and now we're starting to incorporate transcripts of these podcasts. Yeah. So more and more stuff is stressless, including the show notes.

Right. So on the main page you'll see some tiles and one of them is stories and one is our V show calendar and one is the podcast tile. And if you click on that, then you can grab the notes and read and listen to <laugh> all the episodes with numbers <laugh>.

Yeah. Yeah. Peggy went through all 184 episodes and worked on the pages, so it's much easier to find by number. Right. So there you go. Getting to the F M C A rally is gonna be a little bit easier thanks to information that gas buddy shared with us.

Right. So we do use the gas Buddy app a lot. Every time we're halfway down on the gas tank, then I start looking up to see how far it is to gas prices that are reasonable <laugh>. Yep. And I don't think this will come as any surprise to anyone, but California prices are quite a bit higher than Arizona by approximately a dollar today.

No, I thought it was like a buck.

30, maybe a dollar 20, something like that. It was quite a bit higher.

So how's the border price shot.

Up? Yeah, so we made sure to fill up in Arizona and hopefully that tank will get us back into Arizona before we have to fill up again. We'll see.

Yeah, we sure hope.

So. But the good news is, I was looking at the Gas Buddy website and there's a page called Fuel Insights and prices have been going down a little bit. So the actual highest price in 2022 national average was $5 and 30, no, $5 and 3.40 cents. And that was in June of 2022. And on December 26th the average price was 3 0 5. Quite a significance, $2 difference in price.

And hopefully those prices stay down. You know, they always fluctuate and this is the time of year when that's usually lower and the summer is usually higher. But it's nice that it seems to have a little bit of a downward trend right now, at least.

Yeah. Makes getting around a little bit easier, which is mm-hmm. <affirmative> good. And guess Buddy, if you don't have that app, it's a, you know, an app you get on your phone and it's kind of neat. You can find stations, you know, ahead of you and sort of plan based on the price per gallon. And it's also, they track, uh, diesel fuel as well. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, so it's called Gas Buddy, but it should be called Petroleum Buddy.

Right. Petroleum Buddy <laugh>. The other thing that it says on this website is that two day on average, the prices are down 4.40 cents from last year's average. So we're actually below last year's average, which is right now, right here at the beginning of January.

Yeah. Which is good. And they have a prediction about where they see gas going. Yeah. So in a press release from Gas Buddy, they have good news. They predict, well right now they say the annual, the annual average in 2022 was $3 and 96 cents per gallon of regular gas. They predict that it will be $3 and 49 cents. So it's 50 cents a gallon less uh, prediction. That would be nice. That was in their press release that they sent out. So pretty cool. We like lower gas prices cause my gosh, we use a lot of it.

<Laugh>. Yeah, for sure.


So we are just wanting to quickly remind you that rallies and shows and RV shows are really fun things to do, really fun events to attend. We are, as Tony said, we're at an fmc a rally right now, then we're gonna move to Quartzite for the Quartzite Sports vacation and RV show. Did I get it right? Yes,.

You did.

Yay. I'm getting better. Yeah, and it just, we, I just want to encourage you to attend rallies and shows. There are a lot of fun. You can learn a lot, you can find some accessories you didn't know you needed <laugh>.

<Laugh>. Yeah. You could, heck you could buy a whole rv for example, at the court site sports. Well, both at the FM c A show. Yeah. And at the court site show they have RVs for sale there. That's right. So if you're looking to go bigger or smaller or sideways or different color or whatever, there's a lot of choices. I, in fact, we talked to the people from RV country who are gonna be bringing the rv, who have the RVs at QU site. They have 250 RVs on display. Ooh.


All sorts of stuff. Kurt Curtis from RV Country said, we are doing very aggressive pricing because of interest rates. So in other words, if you're looking for a deal, woo doggy, that's place to go.


Peggy works real hard to keep the RV show calendar. There are all kinds of RV shows happening again, this year looks like a whole lot more. And that's also good place to get a deal.

Bra. And if you have been looking for an event that you know is happening and it's not on the calendar, please do let us know. We've had a couple people this week let me know that I was missing some that I was able to get added in. And I'm not proud to take your help. <laugh>, go ahead and let us know. We.

Appreciate you friends out there and podcast land letting us know if there's a show that we're missing because we want to have the best RV show calendar out there. And uh, part of that is your assistance getting us in the new, as it were. Yes, yes.

Well, of course, one thing that doesn't need gas is some of the RVs that are out now and coming out Winnebago is making all kinds of noise about a forthcoming electric motor home. And it's actually being announced at the Tampa RV show in a few weeks. I wrote an article about, you know, California basically put a ban on small engines coming up here.

It's AB 1346 and it was passed in October of 2021. And the idea is to end the sale of small off-road engines, including generators in California. Right. So why did California choose to ban this? California is, and I know there's some of you already rolling your eyes out there, but California tends to be on more of the cutting edge of emissions laws. And one of the things, the carb, which is the California Air Resources Board, looked at small engines and found that the amount of pollution created by what they call small off-road engines, including generators mm-hmm.

<Affirmative> was greater than the pollution of all moving vehicles. So they're a big source of pollution. And so California, the thinking by the legislators was gardeners. That was who they're really targeting. They can use electric leaf blowers and lawnmowers and all of that. Uh, so we're just gonna ban all this stuff. And it was like, uh, wait a minute, what about we are.

Veers <laugh>. Yeah. We are fears. Yeah. We are veers or those people who lose their power when the power gets shot off.

<Laugh>. Yeah. Which oddly enough, in California, one of the reasons we left and moved to New Mexico is our power would go off for days at a time.

Right. And I'm, I'm all for clean energy in everything, but I hope that there's a way that those people can survive when their power gets shut off if they're not allowed to have a generator <laugh>. Yeah. And I know it's not necessarily like they're gonna come and confiscate your generators, they just aren't gonna be able to sell them anymore. So.

Yeah. And at least initially the point of all this is for we RVers. And so I did a look at ways you can RV without a generator and it's actually quite possible. And the proof of that is we're sitting in one right now. Correct. There's no generator. We have been boondocking three or four days now. Three now, yeah. With this new rv. And it's a, uh, if you don't know, it's a Rockwood mini light 2205 s with the power package.

And what that means for 2023 models is a thousand watts of solar on the roof and a 400 amp hour lithium battery. And you know, we've talked over and over about our friends at ABC Upfitters, well, they're the ones who designed this system for Rockwood and put it all together. And it has been quite good. I mean, it just, we have been off the grid, you know, as we said for several days and running all of this stuff.

Now we have not had to run the air conditioner. However, in our previous trailer we had a master bolt system, you know, for abcf fitters as well, and did run the air conditioner. And of course as summer comes, we'll see this one has significantly more solar, but a slightly smaller battery. Right, right. So it should be interesting to see what happens. But in the article, I kind of point to alternatives to generators and such. And of course solar is one of those, right. You can have solar systems in your RV and larger batteries.

And of course the, the thing I hear a lot is, well, I need to run my air conditioner. I know.

I've seen people argue with you and tell you that it's impossible to run an air conditioner without a generator or being hooked up to power. And okay, maybe 20 years ago, even five years ago, that was true, but it's just not true anymore.

Well, and part of that is I think the thinking by a lot of people is, I need a really big hammer to solve this problem. And really you don't. So think about the air conditioner that's in your home. If you have a sticks and bricks home out there, and if you've replaced the air conditioner in your home in the past few years, it is remarkably more efficient mm-hmm. <affirmative> than the one that you probably replaced out there. So all of a sudden you're seeing a huge savings in energy.

And those of you who have known us for a while know that we used to own a bed and breakfast, and I remember that first summer when we got busy season's energy bill, it was like 1500 bucks for one month of energy. And so we replaced all the air conditioners then with mini split air conditioners and brought the bill down to like four to 600 a month. So a modern air conditioner is far less energy hungry than the one that's on your RV now, unfortunately, most RV air conditioners have not had to be efficient because you go to an RV park, you plug in and you use all the power that you can get.

Right? Right. Because you couldn't run it off battery no matter how efficient it was.

<Laugh>. Right. And so the, the traditional air conditioner that's on the roof of your RV now is really not very efficient. And in many cases it's also ridiculously loud. So that's changing. There's a German company called Truk, actually named after Harus Truman. And Truman has a new air conditioner called the Aveta, and it uses a lot less energy than the typical like Coleman air conditioner that you might have on your roof now, or Furion or GE or any of those mm-hmm.

<Affirmative>. So it's just a modern air conditioner, multiple speeds, it's much quieter, it has a dehumidification mode, uh, it's got a nifty remote. It's the direction these systems are going. And not to be outdone, you know, once one company comes to the market and says, oh, we've got this better solution, well here comes their competition. And what we have on the roof of this RV is a Coleman Mock Q air conditioner.

That's a new more efficient model and its energy consumption. Specs are pretty similar to that chuma. And if you wanna get all nerdy with me on how much power <laugh> that thing, the CHUMA event to Eco 13 five is the unit that I'm talking about. And it uses about nine and a half amps on medium and little bit more on high. And then on their top setting it's about 10 and a half amps.

And the, the Coleman quite cool that we have is very comparable to that in consumption. So it's got built in soft start and all of that. And so again, that's, that's part of the solution is not I need a ton of batteries to make all this work. It's no, I, if I can create a system that uses less energy, that's the better solution. Right. Well there are also 12 and 48 volt air conditioner.

So these all run on one 10 household outlet power. Right. Household current, there are also 12 and 48 volt air conditioners including, uh, and these are what run on what's native in your rv. But you know, the, the car batteries, for lack of a better description are 12 volt batteries. And there are now some that are, some systems that are 48 volt, but not very common. But anyway, I did a review of the Embassy RV traveler, which is a class brv and quite frankly my very favorite class brv.

And that uses a 12 volt air conditioner because they have no propane aboard, no generator, it's all battery and solar. That's again, the direction things are going. Of course there's L E D lighting which is more efficient. And so I know one of the questions I always hear is, well, what happens on a cloudy day?

Or what happens when the weather is terrible <laugh>? Well, there are solutions, I don't if you follow the auto industry specifically, Ford has both the half ton and three quarter ton trucks that have what they call pro power onboard, which is a fairly high capacity power outlet essentially. So it's uses the engine's power to essentially work like a generator. So you can charge your RV with your tow vehicle, but let's say you're not in the market for a new F-150 or F two 50, or you'd rather have another brand.

Well another option is a thing called the car generator. And this was developed in Canada where the designer was in Canada and there was a snowstorm and the power went out for a long, long period of time. And he thought, why can't I use my car as a generator? So he invented a thing to do that, and this just plugs right into your car and turns your gasoline engine or diesel engine into a generator.

And there's various sizes. Now you might be saying, wait a minute, you're saying generator free and now you're talking about a car generator. And know that the emission systems on most passenger cars really do produce fairly clean running engines, whereas most small generators, just a typical standalone, you know, like one of the predators or Hondas have essentially no emission system. So this is, this is an option and I like the car generator option because you know, it has the engine that you already have in your tow vehicle if you have a travel trailer to run the, the car generator.

And so it's not an additional thing you have to maintain. You just basically plug this thing in, right? And bing bang, boom, you have the ability to recharge your batteries. So, uh, you know, the more and more I'm seeing more and more of these RVs with pretty advanced solar and lithium systems and I have a series of articles on our honest RV review section at Stressless camping on RVs that are really off the grid ready today. So it's, it's coming.

It's becoming more efficient. It ain't cheap right now <laugh>. Right. I mean these solar and lithium packages are not inexpensive when they're done well, but it's becoming more common and easier to do with more efficient like air conditioners and, and.

Usually the trend for that sort of thing is that it will become more common, more easy and more less expensive.

Yeah. So what do you think, would you, are you interested in a generator free RV experience or is this something where you're just no way know how, not at all? Or is this something you maybe even already have? I will tell you it works based on my experience and I'm very pleased with how well it works. We do not have a car generator by the way, although we are looking to get one just to test one for you guys, <laugh>. Anyway, neat systems and I like the way this is going.

It's just, it's a quieter experience. Right. That's one of the nice things. It's, yeah, it's, and it's freeing, right? You're, you know, oh, I'm gonna go boondocking on this trip and you don't have to think about how am I gonna do this or that. You just go and camp and put out your lawn chairs and crack a couple beers or whatever floats your boat and, and you're there, you're ready to go. And it so it, it makes a big difference in how we plan our travels.

Absolutely. And as we have been saying, and we'll say again <laugh>, we have been and will be boondocking for really the next couple of weeks between Indio and Quartzite. And the way that we can do that is with our master volt power package from ABC Upfitters, we were lucky enough to have the system built into our new Rockwood mini light. We'll also by the way, be sharing a booth space with a b C up fitters at court site.

So if you are gonna be in the area, come by and see us, we will be at the seminar tent or right next door to the seminar tent and we will be with ABC Upfitters so they can tell you how things work like down to the nerdy nitty gritty.

<Laugh>. Yeah. They actually have an engineer on staff and this guy really knows his stuff.

Right. And we can show you the system live and inaction.

Yeah. We'll have our mini light right on the midway. ABC Outfitters is gonna have their, they have an Ember RV that they're gonna have there, so come on in and check 'em out. And you can see this live and in person. Right. And we'd love to see you too. So if we hope you can make FM c a or Quartzite.

Absolutely. Or both.


Not or both. Yeah. Again, if you are in the area of India and you don't have something to do this today, Thursday the 12th, or Friday or Saturday, come to Indio and check out the F M C A rally and see what it's all about.

Yeah, that would, it'd be great to meet you.

Yeah. And if you can't make it to there and you can make it to court site, we will be there for the entirety of the rv. Wait, the Quartzite sports vacation and RV show.

<Laugh>. Correct. January 21st to 29th and we will be doing a live video feed from Quartzite, assuming we can get enough internet. That's always the big.

Variable. Yeah. And from FM c a also.

Yeah. And from FM c a as well.

So if you really wanna kind of get an idea of what's going on, but you can't make it to those check out the life feeds that we're gonna post. They'll be, you know, not very long or extensive each morning, but we'll give you kind of a breakdown of what's going on for that day.

Yeah. And if you wanna learn more about this generator free RV lifestyle as it were looking for solar and stuff, I did write an article at Stressless Camping and you can come and geek out with me if that's your thing, <laugh>, or you can come and tell me I'm full of baloney if that's your thing, if that's your thing. We, we appreciate all input. So there you go.

So one more thing about electricity or electric or electric <laugh> is our gadget of the week is our new electric E-bikes.

Yep. I, if you don't know when we totaled the last Rockwood mini light, we also totaled the last electric E-bikes.


We just picked up new Electric XP 3.0 electric bikes and we went right to Phoenix to where they are, where the company is headquartered. One of the overwhelming things that's pretty neat is their tech support team are right there in the United States. Like they're at electric E Bikes. So.

Yeah. Taking your questions, answering your questions, taking your orders. They are right there in Phoenix. Yeah.

We saw them <laugh>.

That's right. And we also saw them assembling bikes.

Yeah, we did. And and one of the neat things, if you are going to quartzite, if you've been kind of thinking of electric e-bike, the electric XP two point OHS will be on sale there for like six 50. It's.

A small deal. Yeah. They're gonna be a, a smoking deal. So if you're thinking about getting a bike, and especially if you're thinking about getting a electric bike and if you're gonna be anywhere near court site, this is the time.

Yeah. Boy is it ever. And you can actually, they have a test track there, you can take it out and give it a, give it a ride and see what you think. Yep. We got the 3.0 and some of the differences are we noticed the handlebar have been changed, the motor is significantly larger. The 2.0 was a 750 wat motor I believe, and the three point ohs or a thousand wat motors. So it's, it's a more powerful motor. However, it also seems the whole bike seems more refined.

Sure, yeah. And maybe that's because we got the comfort package seats.


Which are bigger seats for our big booties with.

Spring. Like.

Yeah, they have springs in the.

Springs on 'em, so they're a lot more comfortable seating the 2.0 no shade at all. Like I loved that bike. If I would've put that comfortable seat on it, I would've been absolutely thrilled with it. Unfortunately it just took the brunt of that rear ending. So.

<Laugh> the seat or.

Well the bike and the bikes,.

Yes it did. Unfortunately those bikes don't do well when a minivan plow into them for some strange reason. The 3.0 is definitely more refined. It also, if this is something that appeals to you, you can actually have a rider because of the larger motor and changes they made up to I think 150 pounds.

I think That's.

Right. Yeah. So you can put a seat on the back. What we did is we put a cargo crate on the back of ours, but we saw one that was specifically for like people doing DoorDash or that kind of thing that had a cooler on the back of our,.

Well there was one that was a cooler, there was one that was the padded like big square bag, like that you could stack some pizzas in.

Oh yeah, that's.

Right. I saw Kathy Joe, listen to me. I saw a baby seat on the back. <laugh>. Yeah,.

There's that too. So they're really, you know, expanding and electric bikes are really a fun thing for our veers. Right. I mean, when you see us at the FM c a convention or you see us at Quartzite, we are just gonna park the truck and get around on our bikes. Correct. Because it's fun, it's fast. We can actually charge the bikes with our solar system on our trailer. Yeah. So we're solar powered bikes basically. We've been very pleased with the bikes. We were pleased with the previous ones and we like these new ones even better.


Last week Tony had a question of the week for you and it kind of brings all this conversation together a little bit about gas prices and efficiency and batteries. And his question was, would you consider trading your RV for something more efficient? And if so, what would you get?

I was curious if that's a factor for people. And one of the interesting things, and this is something Ezekiel Andrew said, there isn't much loss in fuel efficiency with our bitty pop-up travel trailer when it's hooked up to my partner's big Jeep. But, uh, an upgrade would definitely be a travel trailer that is more prepared for winter camping. We've had a little bit of that lately. Yeah. There are people looking for smaller trailers like Bob Loose was saying, uh, half ton truck is borderline on handling his trailer.

Yeah. That's, uh, you gotta be careful with that.

Right now. Mike said that they, and I know they just got their intech and they love it, but he said that New Brinkley is a pretty little thing. <laugh>,.

<Laugh> boy Brinkley has absolutely exploded in terms of interest. It's a new, if you don't know, it's a new RV company. Their very first RVs are just now getting out there. And their fifth wheels at the moment, the Z 3,100, it is a promising company. And I know that there are more than a few RV industry insiders who have told me they're a little bit nervous about what they're doing. So.

Bill just updated his to tow vehicle to a more efficient hybrid model. Uh, he said the towing mileage isn't that much better, but when he is not towing, he's averaging 20% electric miles. Yep. And he loves his mini light and he also, by the way, just got a package from ABC Upfitters. Yeah. So he doesn't necessarily need to, but he said if he decides to upgrade, he would look at a more aerodynamic trailer.

Yeah. You know, that's something that people don't realize. The RV industry pays almost no attention to aerodynamics. But, you know, people complain, especially people who like older cars, right. You, you say, oh, these old cars have so much style, but all the new cars look alike. Well, most of the new cars are shaped by a combination of legislation and aerodynamics, you know, to make 'em get better mileage and the wind just goes the way the wind goes. So yeah. That's why they do look alike.

But speaking of aerodynamics, Maddie wants an airplane. <laugh>. Yeah. She says she's kidding and she loves their rv, but, and the airplane is just going to have to wait. <laugh>.

<Laugh> when, remember when we, we used to talk to the people who did Pink Flamingo RV radio before we even started our podcast and he found somebody who had taken an airplane and turned it into an rv. I'll That's right. See if I, I can find that. Yeah. To share with you. It was pretty cool.

Steve, who by the way, passed us on the highway on our way to Indio, honked and waved and we didn't even notice cause we were too busy listening to a podcast, <laugh>.

Yeah, we are. We here we are on Highway 10 heading, you know, to where we are now today. And Steven passed us, recognized our trailer with the bikes and us,.

He honked and wait and.

He honked and then he had.

Call us and tell us that he was honking.

<Laugh>. I dunno how we missed that. I'm usually pretty attentive. I was driving, I'm usually pretty attentive and must have been something really great, really great podcast or something because <laugh>, I just missed it.

So he said he would upgrade to a a 25 16 s or a 25 FK b s depending on if he goes to a dealership that has mini light Rockwood or Flagstaff's,.

Which are the same trailers with.

Different stickers, which, and he would get the as SG power package, but then he'd have to buy a three quarter ton tow vehicle. So he's also considering the ABC Outfitters Power package on his six year old trailer. And he is still dreaming and figuring out what to do.

Aren't we all, you know, you could go by an RV today and in a week, go to an RV show and you're like, Ooh.

Well, funny you should say that because Brian said on guys <laugh>, he didn't even have his new one in the driveway yet. He does today. But this was a couple days ago. He said, please don't make me think about another one. <laugh> <laugh>.

Yeah. No matter what, if you have an rv, no matter how old it is and something else. Yeah, Brian has a really good point. He says, seriously, those anyone out there really even talking to the end users about efficiency. What little I know about efficiency, and I'm assuming we're talking about aerodynamics is strictly second and thirdhand unofficial info I've gotten. Yeah, it's not something the RV industry is really paying attention to. There are a few, and I had a few RVs that I posted in our honest RV review section that are specifically designed for aerodynamics, but they're few and far between and usually by smaller companies.

And I don't, I don't understand why there hasn't been at least one big, well, you know what, I shouldn't say that. Airstream very specifically has had their trailers tested for aerodynamics and they have shown that they're significantly more aerodynamic than the typical trailer. So I guess there is one major company and it's Airstream. All right. And so there you go.

And then Emily said she's not gonna trade, but you know what, she has a 13 foot scam, so she doesn't know how she could go much smaller or lighter without too many sacrifices. So steps.

Are darn cool little.

Trailers. They are, they're cute little things. So thank you all for responding and starting some conversations. This was a really good topic that Tony came up with. He always gets the hard hitting questions and I ask <laugh> fluffy things like this week's question, what is your favorite form of exercise when you're on the road?

Yeah. We did a interview a while back with James and Steph from the Fit rv and we'll put a link to that and they had some really neat fitness ideas for on the road, but do you have exercises you do on the road? Of course, my favorite is bicycle riding.

Right? And I love bicycle riding. Riding, but my favorite is yoga.

Yeah. Peggy's does her yoga here in the trailer. So <laugh>, she should do it outside so everyone can see.

You. Not today when it's windy.

<Laugh> <laugh>.

When the weather's nice, I do it outside.

And where can somebody answer those.

Questions? So you can answer the questions of the week. You can ask questions if you want. You can read all the answers at our Fun and friendly Stressless Camping podcast Facebook group. What are words?

And did you Know? We also do a once a week newsletter, which is completely free and that's where there are links to stories, videos, and podcasts and events and all that to help you get the most out of your RV experience.

Just visit stressless and you can sign up for the newsletter on any page, right? Yeah. At the bottom of any page. It also pops up in the beginning and asks you so you, you know, if it's your first time on, it'll ask and you can't hardly miss it. And just know that we do not share information, we do not sell our lists. We just use that list to send you one email per week. And that's it.

Yeah. It's all I got time for <laugh>. Right?

That's true too.

But while you're there, you can find the show notes for this episode of the Stressless Camping podcast, episode number 180 5 on the

And when you're on stressless, don't forget the deals and discounts page for the best deals on things you need for your Stressless camping adventure. Yeah.

And if you have a great deal for our audience, let us know. We're happy to share, but know that we are very careful about what we share. We have to really like what you got.

That's very true. Yep. And we are in all the social places. So when you visited all those pages on stressless and you wanna look on Facebook or wherever, Instagram, all those things, go to the top right. Use those logos and jump off to the social places that we are. Oh, but first, if you don't wanna miss a future episode of the Stressless Camping podcast, it's.


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And we are saving you a seat around our virtual campfire. And by the way, one of the ways people find this podcast is with the reviews, particularly on Apple Podcasts. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So if you love this podcast, leave us a review. We really appreciate that. If you love this podcast, please tell a friend. And if you don't like this podcast, tell somebody you don't tell someone you don't like. Make them listen to it.

<Laugh>. We did rip that off from another podcast. Yeah, I ripped that. We just thought that was really funny. So we wanted to say it. Tell your friends if you love us and tell your enemies if you don't love us, <laugh>.

Yeah, there you go. Nah. The people who listen to the Stresses Camping podcast wouldn't have enemies. They're too.

Cool. That's true.

Well, we hope we see you this week or next week. Maybe we'll see you on our live feed on our Facebook page, or maybe even on the highway. Zipping best.

Maybe so.

But we really appreciate every one of you. Thank you so much for being here again this week. Let us know what you think about the Generator Free RV in out Up now. Hmm. Who knows <laugh>, but most of all,.

Happy Camping.!

We hope you learned a lot and had some fun and got some tips for your next Stressless Camping Adventure. We're honored by your reviews on Apple Podcasts, which helps others find us too. Don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss out on the adventure. And we look forward to your joining us next week. Until then, happy camping.

Our new travel trailer - what we love (and what we'd change)

Our new travel trailer - what we love (and what we'd change)

RV podcast: planning your 2023 StressLess Camping adventures

RV podcast: planning your 2023 StressLess Camping adventures