Highlights of the 110th FRVA Convention
We’re Tony & Peggy Barthel and we’re working to help you be a StressLess Camper.
All tagged FMCA
The road trip with no plan - how we ultimately did.
Can you RV generator free? Does California’s forthcoming ban on generators mean the end of RVing as we know it, or is it really no big deal? We have tips, tricks and our own experience camping without a generator. We come to you from the FMCA Western Regional rally this week and have some exciting plans and opportunities over the next few weeks. We also don’t want to forget our new Lectric XP 3.0 bikes and have some details on the new features in this redesigned outstanding eBike.
Your RV’s fresh water system explained in simple terms to help you camp in campground and get water while boondocking. Can I drink my RV’s water? How do I get a hot shower? Do I need a pressure regulator or water filter?
Roadside assistance is becoming a challenge for RVers and not all plans are created equally. We speak with a major provider of plans and learn which is the best and why. What are some of the things you should know about roadside assistance and will your plan leave you stranded and what are things you might not know?
We share our own ideas, tips and thoughts about staying StressLess - sometimes turning a stressful situation into StressLess Camping. This is really the core of our whole way of doing things and we hope there are lessons from our own camping experiences that can help you.
You can save a lot of money on your StressLess Camping RV adventures with all the tips, programs, plans and ideas we have in this week’s episode of the StressLess Camping podcast. Plus we also pay a visit to Fresno, California to see if it’s FresNo or FresYes.
Peggy and Tony talk about two different educational opportunities - the Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) and Full-Time Freedom Week.