Tony & Peggy Barthel - StressLess Campers


We’re Tony & Peggy Barthel and we’re working to help you be a StressLess Camper.

20,000 miles on the road with our Rockwood Mini Lite 2205s

20,000 miles on the road with our Rockwood Mini Lite 2205s

After 20,000 miles on the road we look back on some of the adventures - and misadventures - that we’ve had in our Rockwood Mini Lite 2205s. From incredible adventures to some serious mishaps - highlights and joys that we’ve had across this incredible land.

Join us as we celebrate this milestone and recap some of these adventures.

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Automated transcript of StressLess Camping RV podcast episode 257

Mark Ferrell

Welcome to the weekly podcast, all about turning the great American RV adventure into Stressless camping. Each week we explore tips, tricks, ideas, and destinations, and talk to the happiest campers in the RV world. Pull up a seat at the campfire as we enjoy some Stressless camping.

Peggy Barthel

Welcome. Oh wait. Wrong camera. Welcome to the Campfire <laugh>.

Tony Barthel

I'm Tony. I'm Peggy. And we're two RV industry veterans who travel part-time

Peggy Barthel

In a small trailer

Tony Barthel

Looking to share big adventures and help you with great tips, tricks, and discounts.

Peggy Barthel

We're trying a new camera set up today, so if we tend to look down here, please forgive us. 'cause that's where the camera used to be and that's where our notes are. Yeah,

Tony Barthel

We keep, we keep testing this whole, for those of you who are just listening on audio, which is the vast majority of you, we are still fiddling with the, the whole YouTube thing. So we're we now trying out more and different stuff to see, you know, how can we make this better or

Peggy Barthel

We're not,

Tony Barthel

Not horrible. Not as bad, right? I mean, we don't want you to

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

Bad. We don't want you to wish that your screen would go out or whatever.

Peggy Barthel

<laugh>. Maybe we'll find out that nobody likes our YouTube channel. <laugh>.

Tony Barthel

Hey, well that certainly makes our job easier. We'll stop doing it. We prefer doing the audio, but, but if

Peggy Barthel

Y'all are happy with it, we're happy to do it.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. We're here to serve you.

Peggy Barthel

Yes. This week I wanted to remind people that in the past we have had two episodes on buying an rv, one on buying new and one on buying used. And for some people, the season is just starting you. Maybe you're ready to start shopping. And so if you are interested in hearing our tips, you can refer back to episodes 46 and 47 of the audio only podcast. And we give tips on how to buy a new RV and how to buy a used rv.

Tony Barthel

And there's a whole section on our website about RV shopping. A lot of tips that I think that we think can really help you to, you know, not get in a bad situation. Right. As a lot of, you know, I used to work at an RV dealership and I saw the things that people did as they came in. And boy, you could certainly save yourself a lot of money and heartache, especially after the sale. Yeah. Those are two good episodes that are worth checking out.

Tony Barthel

And the whole section we've put together about RV shopping, if you're on our website, stressless, you just scroll down and there's the first row of boxes are the main topics, and then you go down and there's sections that we've built for different stuff, including how to buy an rv. Okay. Well, we did buy

Peggy Barthel

An rv. We bought an, actually we bought two kind of, we'll talk about that a little bit more as we go. <laugh> <laugh>, we are in our 2205 s Rockwood mini

Tony Barthel

Light, Rockwood Mini Light, 2205 s, 2205

Peggy Barthel

S. And what we thought we would do is talk about our, almost two years now of owning a, well, just about two years. Two

Tony Barthel

Years. And what kind of triggered this is, our truck keeps track of how many miles we have on the trailer <affirmative>. And we've hit 20,000 miles. So it's like, Ooh, what adventures have we had in here in 20,000 miles? Yeah. And what do we love about this trailer and what would we change about it?

Peggy Barthel

So we kind of have a list. We might go by the list, we might go off the list, who knows what we're going to do. Right. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

Who knows, because we're easily distracted.

Peggy Barthel

But we tried to make some notes so that we wouldn't go all completely crazy. So one of the topics that I thought we'd cover was what was our most anticipated trip? And this, this isn't necessarily RV trip, but when Tony and I met, for those of you who don't know, our first date was at downtown Disney in California, and we ate at Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen. Well, Ralph Brennan's is a actual restaurant in New Orleans. And so ever since then, once we were approaching the one year anniversary of that first date, we said we should go to New Orleans for our date anniversary and have like real Cajun food.

Tony Barthel

Although that Ralph Brennan's is pretty legit.

Peggy Barthel

Oh, right. No, I mean, at downtown Disney. Yeah. Have Cajun food in Cajun country. Right. We really wanted to go to New Orleans, and that was in 2003. In 2023 last year, we finally, after 19 and a half years, managed to get to New Orleans <laugh>. So that was, I would say, our most anticipated trip. We didn't always anticipate that we, we would do it in an rv, but we did. And that was fantastic.

Peggy Barthel

And that was really a highlight of our RV travels, I think,

Tony Barthel

Overall. And yeah, we really, we really enjoyed it there. As if you've been listening for a while, we did a lot of coverage of New Orleans and our trip there and where we stayed at first at Fonte Blue,

Peggy Barthel

Fonte Blue State Park. And then with Scott

Tony Barthel

And Alicia, right?

Peggy Barthel

Yes. Scott and Alicia were there, and also Erin and Christine and Maya were there. Oh,

Tony Barthel

That's right. Yeah.

Peggy Barthel

Then we left and then we came back <laugh> because I found out about a busker festival that was happening at Aida Springs nearby. And so we stayed, and unfortunately, I can't remember, we stayed at the other state park in Mandeville. <laugh> stayed there for a couple of days. Just a little tag on to our New Orleans visit.

Tony Barthel

So Busker is where people basically perform for tips. Yeah. For lack of a better description, there's been a band Tus Skinny that I've been following for years and years on YouTube. One of the reasons we went back to the Busker Festival is because they were the headliner, I suppose. Right? Well, they were the last band playing, so I suppose that makes them headliner.

Peggy Barthel

I guess So

Tony Barthel

<laugh>. But there were some other bands that were just,

Peggy Barthel

But we did wait all day for them. They

Tony Barthel

Were, and it was worth it. It was great because it was right by a Beta Springs brewing company too. Right. Yeah. And there's been a lot of breweries that we've visited. Oh yeah.

Peggy Barthel

A lot. <laugh>, I don't think, I don't think we can list them because we'll for sure leave some out. So <laugh>. Yeah, right. We've probably talked about each and every one of them throughout the couple of years that we've been in this trailer. The furthest trip that we have done, kind of as a planned, you know, in Tripp Wizard trip was when we went last summer, we went to Indiana for the Frog Rally. And then from there we joined Bill and the three of us made a trip around Michigan.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. Like all the way through Michigan and Upper Peninsula together. And that trip from home to home was for about 4,500 miles.

Tony Barthel

By the way, we are in a couple of weeks going back to Michigan. That's right. For a mini light rally. Yeah. So there you go.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. So we'll be, it's a new part of Michigan. It's kind of a part that we haven't really been to yet. It's

Tony Barthel

Probably not new to them. <laugh>.

Peggy Barthel

Well, it's new to us. A new part of, yeah, no, Michigan just got this part. Yeah.

Speaker 5

Wait, look, what the heck is that?

Peggy Barthel

<laugh>. And then I thought, oh, that has to be the furthest. And it was the furthest. But I didn't realize how in one trip, right. In one trip, I didn't realize how close second the next one would come in with only 4,400 miles. And that was when we went through Tennessee and Kentucky into Georgia for an FMCA convention. And then that's the time that we went to New Orleans. And so that circle back to home was 4,400 miles. So pretty close.

Tony Barthel

One of the ways, so Peggy, when we're like thinking, oh, this would be kind of fun to talk about, Peggy went through RV Trip Wizard <affirmative>, and you can see your, your previous trips,

Peggy Barthel

Right? Yeah. I could see all the archive trips so I can see which ones had, you know, most miles, most nights stopped. 50 is kind of on the upper limit of our nights away from home. Oh, oh, okay. I see. Yeah. 50 nights. Yeah, 50 nights away is kind of the average of our long trips. Okay. Of our, what we call the big trips. Right. <laugh>. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

As we said, we, you know, the truck tracks the mileage. We have upgraded our truck because we had our mini light scaled and it was neither mini nor light <laugh> running the numbers. We really were better off in a threequarter ton truck <affirmative>. And so we got one.

Peggy Barthel

So we got one last October. So we've done a couple of our long trips with that truck. And what is your experience? Oh my gosh. Much, much better. Right?

Tony Barthel

It's, it's when you're pushing the limit of a vehicle. Yeah, it does it, you know, we've been all through the Colorado Rockies with the older 1500, the Ram 1500. And it was fine. It did fine. It went up, it went down. I never felt unsafe. But the new truck, the Threequarter ton truck is, it's so much more relaxing just because that truck is so much better in control of the trailer and just so much more capable that rather than being at the, actually over the limit with

Peggy Barthel

That other truck, but feeling at the limit. And now it feels like, but

Tony Barthel

You don't realize until you, you're driving it. It's just so much more

Peggy Barthel

That expression that I really don't like hearing people say. We don't even know it's back there. <laugh>. Well, you probably should know it's back there. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

We changed two things at once. We changed the truck <affirmative> and we changed our hitch and we went from what I thought was a fine hitch. It worked well to the BMW Continuum hitch and I Wow. Yeah. Love that hitch. Yeah. It is exceptional. The hitch is better, the truck is better. The cargo carrying capacity of this truck, I believe is 3,600 pounds. 36 or 33. And the tongue weight of the trailer's about 900 or so. And even like now, we have our bicycles, our e-bikes, our electric E-bikes in the back of this truck and way too much junk <laugh>.

Tony Barthel

And we are so far from going even close to capacity. The thing that is my gauge more than anything are cattle trucks going the opposite way on a two-lane road.

Peggy Barthel

They can really push you out road.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. They just seem to really have a Well, and they're always in a giant hurry.

Peggy Barthel

Right. That's probably why they're more pushy. 'cause they're, well,

Tony Barthel

I think it's the going so fast, the holes in the side of the trailer. That's

Peggy Barthel

The weird aerodynamics.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. And so those cattle trucks just really don't affect the truck and trailer at all. I mean, you feel a little like bump. Right. But it's not like, oh, it's not a two-handed experience. <laugh>. And it really was with the 1500. I

Peggy Barthel

Mean, you don't have to put your beer down. I mean, your coffee down <laugh>. Right.

Tony Barthel

That's the That's true. It's still one finger. No, don't drive like

Peggy Barthel

That. <laugh>. So those were some long trips. What about stories you're gonna tell forever? Oh, well

Tony Barthel

There's been, there's been so many. There's

Peggy Barthel

Been so many. <laugh>.

Tony Barthel

For example, there was a Boondockers welcome that we stayed at, or was it a Harvest host? Well, was Harvest. Think

Peggy Barthel

That one was actually a harvest host? Yeah,

Tony Barthel

It was a farm. And it had been raining. What a shocker.

Peggy Barthel

In Texas. In

Tony Barthel

Texas, the way they had this set up, it was kind of like a big circular driveway around some grass. And the only way I could get the trailer in was to go across the grass. Even though they're like, don't drive on the grass, man. I made a rut. I honestly thought he was gonna have to pull the truck out with the tractor. It

Peggy Barthel

Was so, yeah. So I think he said, don't go on the grass, because he knew the grass was really soggy and we would get stuck. I don't think he was like, watch out for my very pristine

Tony Barthel

Grass. No. Yeah. No,

Peggy Barthel

No. Yeah. It wasn't like a pristine lawn. It was just a grassy. It was just

Tony Barthel

Very muddy.

Peggy Barthel

But we did have to back up onto it.

Tony Barthel

Yep. The old truck was also two wheel drive and it had highway tires and this one's four wheel drive and has better tires for offroading. Easily. Yeah. This one would've been like all, yeah. No, no. I don't care that that's back there.

Peggy Barthel

But it was kind of scary for a moment. I wasn't,

Tony Barthel

Yeah, I

Peggy Barthel

Literally, I didn't think we'd get hurt, but I thought they'd get mad and I thought for sure someone would have to pull us out. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

<laugh>, if you're watching this on video, I'll share a picture of the ruts because Yeah, they were

Peggy Barthel

Deep. He made good ones.

Tony Barthel

I did. I was spinning my wheels like, I don't know what.

Peggy Barthel

So once we survived that and got actually parked and, and they came and saw it and didn't yell at us, they just said, are you okay? Kind of thing. It's a funny story now. Yeah. It's funny. But at the time I was like, oh. And they were very cool about it. They're, they're gonna kick us out. <laugh>.

Tony Barthel

This was one of those guys, you know, like a typical farmer. They just tell you stuff and, and you can just see the wheels going city

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

City slicker. That's the word I'm looking for.

Peggy Barthel

So another time I was frightened, but not for the trailer. And I wasn't really frightened. But we've had two experiences where we have boondock or Mooch docked and got to ride in some pretty unique Oh, homemade sports cars. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

Oh yeah.

Peggy Barthel

One was in Clearwater, Michigan. And we stayed at this place. The guy had built, well, he built a lot of crazy things, but he had built a rat rod kind of thing. It was, oh, it was so fun. The stick shift was actually a gun, like a rifle that was used as a stick shift. But that thing, I swear, was an inch off of the ground. The clearance was so, so low on that thing. And they have driven it from Michigan to Florida. Like they, to Key West drive it on the highway. Yeah. Right.

Peggy Barthel

And so I knew it was safe, but still being so, so low to the ground, I thought if we hit a Pebble <laugh>, it's gonna flip this car <laugh>. And he went out on those farm roads and just flew down those farm roads. And then took, took me on a tour through town, took Tony on his own separate tour. 'cause there's only two seats. No, there's

Tony Barthel

Only two seats. This thing was so neat. It was an old fire engine engine. And so it had dual ignition systems. There was a magneto and a distributor. That didn't sound right. But anyway, it had dual ignition systems and it was, it was super low to the ground. It was just neat. That's one of the reasons we love Harvest hosts. Dockers welcome. Yes. Is the experiential nature of this. Right. You just, you get to meet these people. I mean, some of them are just regular RVs like us.

Tony Barthel

Right, right.

Peggy Barthel

Some of 'em you don't meet at all. Yes.

Tony Barthel

Some you don't even meet the people. But these museums and wineries and distilleries and farms.

Peggy Barthel

Alpaca farms, <laugh>.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. It's just, we love Harvest hosts for that reason, because of the experiences like this rat rod. And, and if you're watching the video version of this, you'll see I took video of it. It was just, it was so fun.

Peggy Barthel

So fun. And then another time that we stayed, this was a Mooch dock experience with our friend Byron. He

Tony Barthel

Built a Cobra replica. Byron is one of those guys who is an unusual mix of both mechanical brilliance and electronic brilliance

Peggy Barthel

And super, super cool. 'cause some of those guys are so nerdy. Oh, that's true. They's not even fun. And Byron is, does not fit in that category at all.

Tony Barthel

Well, Byron's the dude who bought our vintage trailer.

Peggy Barthel

Yes. Yes.

Tony Barthel

And has since all the things that I'm like, I'll get to it. Well, he

Peggy Barthel

Got to it. He got to it.

Tony Barthel

I mean he's, I think he's camping in it

Peggy Barthel

Right now. Yeah, he made, he made it camp. Yep.

Tony Barthel

Oh, absolutely. I mean, all the stuff works. The old fridge, the water heater. Yep. The two furnaces that are in it. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

<laugh>. So all that stuff now works. 'cause Byron just is like, nah, it's no problem. So Byron, I think it was a Kit Cobra, and he then wrote software for engine management, really turned this thing into a ludicrous hot rod. Well, which a cobra is anyway. Right? Sure. So he's taken us on these farm roads. Well, he wasn't finished with the software, so they, it didn't show the actual miles per hour. Oh, right. It, it just showed the tack. And he guessed that on some of these back roads.

Tony Barthel

Now, of course, Byron lives in a country where there are no speed limits. So it's not, not like it's the United States

Peggy Barthel

Or anything. Not

Tony Barthel

There. I think we estimated that we're going to like one 40 on these back roads or

Peggy Barthel

So. Oh my

Tony Barthel

Heavens. Oh yeah. It was fantastic.

Peggy Barthel

He told me a similar thing, but on the highway, like I think the tack is telling me it's one 20 now. And I was fine with that. I wasn't worried about Byron or the car at all. What I was concerned was some farmer in tractor didn't see him and pulled out in front of him anyway. Yeah. Well

Tony Barthel

Been, we

Peggy Barthel

Survived it. It was a thrill. And I'm so glad we did. And we love Byron and we love Boondockers welcome <laugh>.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. That's one of the reasons we bought this particular trailer, and we'll get into that, but it's really quite adept at boondocking.

Peggy Barthel

Our funniest, I don't know, maybe our funniest memory. So it was coming on winter, it had been cold. We snuck up on our friend Scott and Alicia. They were close to us. They were at Lake Coty and Michael and Mickey were gonna go Well

Tony Barthel

And Patrick and

Peggy Barthel

By, no, they weren't invited to dinner. Oh,

Tony Barthel

Oh, oh, oh, oh. Blame me. Okay.

Peggy Barthel

They didn't know them. So we were just gonna go to where they were camped and have dinner with them. And what we decided was let's just go camp and in and surprise them. And then we invited Patrick and Brian and they also came and camped. But that's when they met Scott and Alicia. Oh, okay. I didn't know them before they're, but they're all from Louisiana. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. So then I go to hook up, you know, you hook up your power and you hook up your water, blah, blah, blah. <laugh>. Well, I'm not sure what the cause was, but that sucker Eck exploded.

Peggy Barthel

What I really think was, it was coming on a winter and we had had a freeze, like a light freeze. But I think maybe because we aren't that good, remembering to like get all the water out of that filter. So I suspect there was some water in the filter that froze and you know, broke the plastic. Yeah. Kind of crack the

Tony Barthel

Plastic. And so when I hit it with the pressurized water, it was loud. It's like

Peggy Barthel

It was loud. Damn. The whole campground probably heard it and well that,

Tony Barthel

And that was like, oh no, Scott and Ali are gonna,

Peggy Barthel

And Tony laughed so loud. I thought, oh, for sure. Our cover was blown, but <laugh>. Yeah. Right. If they had heard it and looked out the window, you were right there out their window.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. The, I think first the sediment filter blew up. And so then I just put the water filter and then it blew

Peggy Barthel

Up. It blew up too. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

So it happened twice and it was, it was pretty loud. And yeah, we weren't that far from them. Yeah. And Scott said he heard it and he's like, what? He thought maybe someone was shooting, I think or something.

Peggy Barthel

He didn't know what it was. Didn't mother to look out to see. So Yeah. So we still got to surprise them. And this makes me think of, it's probably on here somewhere. But you know, we meet the greatest people under the oddest circumstances. Yeah. And we get to, we like become friends with people who are friends of other people, or, you know, we introduced Scott and Alicia to Brian and Patrick, and then they went camping together. Yeah. You know, like we love the whole, the community comradery and community of RV life.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. That can't be understated. It's incredible. The people you meet out here and the friends you make. Like just this past weekend,

Peggy Barthel

It actually is on the list. What do you know? It was almost next. So I guess this is one of those times where we gonna mix up our notes. Let's split <laugh>.

Tony Barthel

Our friends in Rio Rancho are our friends, because we met them through RVing.

Peggy Barthel

Both couples that we have met in Rio Rancho contacted us and said, we listened to your podcast and we heard you're moving to our area.

Tony Barthel

No, Michael and Mickey were there to see Jason and Abby. That's right. From RV Miles. That's right. And they ended up hanging out with us and now we're really good friends. But yeah,

Peggy Barthel

That's how we got up. We just happened to move into their town, <laugh>. And

Tony Barthel

Then Mike and Lisa were listeners. That's right. And then they escaped. And they're in Minnesota, which is

Peggy Barthel

Where w Wisconsin, <laugh>, they, they, we became friends and then they moved back to Wisconsin. So we, we didn't lose them as friends, obviously, but we lost them as camping buddies on a regular basis.

Tony Barthel

They live where winter is. Yeah. And then just this past week, <affirmative>, we camped with Tony and Grace. Yes. They are fellow admins on our mini light group. Yeah. But we had never act met. Oh, we had met,

Peggy Barthel

Had met them in court site. We had met them in court

Tony Barthel

Site. That's

Peggy Barthel

Right. Because they were listeners and because they also own mini lights. So that kind of ties together too. And when we were in Quartzite in 2023, we had a small gathering, an afternoon gathering. You know, in 2024. We had a week long gathering in the Desert <laugh>. But in 2023, we had just an afternoon of getting around and talking and Grace and Tony came to that. And we met them there this year in Quartzite. We did the big gather gathering. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

Week long gathering after.

Peggy Barthel

And Grace and Tony came and visited. They were very established in another site. They didn't camp with us, but they were there like every day. And

Tony Barthel

They have a cool gig. They are work campers at a,

Peggy Barthel

At a Corps of Engineers, visitor center. So Corps of Engineers is gonna be places where there's water. Right. They maintain waterways and dams and rivers and stuff like that. And a lot of those have great campgrounds. Like the one that we were in last night. This particular one has a visitor center where Tony and Grace volunteer. And then there is a campground, but it's a state park campground. But it's Right. It like this side of the lake is core and this side of the lake is state park <laugh>. But you can oftentimes find, this is kind of a bonus, not on the notes.

Peggy Barthel

<laugh>, a lot of times you can find great, great campsites at core of engineer sites. A lot of times you can find those through And actually, someone told me about in Google Maps, if you use Google Maps type in core of engineers campsites, they show up on Google Maps.

Tony Barthel

By the way, core is spelled C-O-R-P-S. Yes. CP. But not E Ps. Because then you'd be dying to go there.

Peggy Barthel

That's right. <laugh>. So Tony and Graces people that we met at Quar site.

Tony Barthel

Oh. And it's so funny, like speaking of Quartz site, we met a couple this past year at Quartzite, then they happened to stay at our house through Boondocks.

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

Welcome. And then they were at Camp Carpet Diem.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. They said, we would like to stay a couple nights at your house. We're on our way passing through to go to Hot Springs, Arkansas. And I said, wait a minute, we're getting ready to go to Hot Springs. Are we going to the same place? And indeed we were. That was cool. Now they are friends. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

I mean, I mean, they're super cool people. Yeah. And then again, camp Carpet Diem. We met really neat people there. We talked about that. We have met a lot of people through, as we've said before, we have a mini light, micro Light fan club group. Group on Facebook that we started Yeah. Group on Facebook that we started because we had questions, couldn't find answers. And so I just was like, well fine, I'll just start a mini light group. And we did. And now 12,000 people later. Right. So we've met a lot of people, including now we're starting to go to the gatherings.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. In fact, that's where we'll be in two weeks, in a couple of weeks or whatever weeks will be in Michigan Couple. Yeah. That new part of Michigan that they just built.

Peggy Barthel

And they just got, we went to one in Texas a little while ago. We had a couple when we lived in California.

Tony Barthel

Oh yeah. We had our

Peggy Barthel

Own. We did have our own. They

Tony Barthel

Were small. But that's where we met Michael Bracewell.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. And we love that people, they don't wait for us. They get, yeah. There was just one in Kentucky that we did not get to go to. The one in Michigan, the one in Texas. And these happen like every year. And so as many light owners, it's like a subset of Frog, which is Forest River owners group. And that's for any Forest River. Rockwood is a Forest River brand. And so frog, they have a lot of rallies, but they have like an annual international rally. And

Tony Barthel

That one is a lot of fun. That's where we met Bill.

Peggy Barthel

That's where we met Bill. And we've become great, great friends and travel partners with Bill. He's very patient with us. Oh yeah.

Tony Barthel


Peggy Barthel

Thank you. And helps us when we're gonna travel somewhere together. He is wonderful at researching. He is. Yeah. And figuring out places we can go and remembering that we have to schedule work time in. He's better at planning than I am, even though I feel like I'm kind of good at it.

Tony Barthel

You're darn good at it.

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

Girl campers.

Peggy Barthel

Yes. Girl campers. We've done a few girl camper colleges this year. And so we've met great, great ladies that come in like a little concerned about their abilities or their knowledge. And they go away both more confident and better friends.

Tony Barthel

And they're supercharged.

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

And then we can't ignore FMCA gatherings. Right.

Peggy Barthel

That's where we met Paul and Cindy. That's

Tony Barthel

True. Yeah. Our bacon buddies. Our

Peggy Barthel

Bacon buddies that we run into intentionally three or four times a year. Yeah. We, we kind of plan our like meetups. Well,

Tony Barthel

Paul's the guy they boondock at our house. Paul is an electrician and he wired our 30 amp. Not that we have a 30 amp outlet

Peggy Barthel

Sh <laugh>. It's not in a convenient place. So sorry, boondockers. It's really not available, but it is there. <laugh>.

Tony Barthel

Well, I never,

Peggy Barthel

I know

Tony Barthel

We've been to so many places and a lot of these were places that were kind of like dreamed about places before we started this adventure. Sure. If you don't know, we call ourselves most timers, but not full-timers, because we do still have the place in New Mexico. Right, right. Where our junk gets

Peggy Barthel

To that. Right. And where we go and visit once in a while. Yeah. And do things. I did write, so if you don't know, I've been writing sometimes Tony, but we've been writing a Daily Journey journal. Yeah. And so when we're out on the road at the end of the day, we summarize our day. Sometimes it's kind of boring, like, yep, we drove <laugh>. But you know, when we get to see great things or when we're sitting for a couple days and we explore a little bit, I forgot where I was going with this, but <laugh>. Oh. So when we finished our last trip, I said, okay guys, guess we'll talk to you again in May when we leave for our next trip.

Peggy Barthel

And then the next day, I thought, I'm gonna tell people why I like being at home. Okay. And so I wrote a journal, you know, the day after we got home, just to like talk about all the things that I do like about being home for a little while. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

It's, I mean, you know, it's like a balance. Yeah. Places, as we've talked about, new Orleans was a dream place or destination. And truthfully, we both absolutely love, loved it. Louisiana, loved it. Hot Springs has been a place that I really enjoyed.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. We've been there twice now. We went with Camp Carpe Diem a couple weeks ago and we went last year on our New Orleans, Georgia trip. We really did like it. I would go again because there's, even though we've been there and explored the town a few times, I think there's still a lot that we haven't seen.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. I think there is.

Peggy Barthel

You know, we always <laugh>, we always, if we're going that direction, start our journey with the first 300 Mile day to Amarillo, Texas,

Tony Barthel

Because that's where the big Texan Steak Ranch is. That's

Peggy Barthel

Where the big Texan Steak Ranch is.

Tony Barthel

You know, there's some people who travel. Everybody has a reason that you travel. Right. Some people travel for national parks, some people travel for hikes. Some people travel for bike rides. For us, it's cheesy Americana. Yes. Yes. We love that. In fact, this week we have plans to go to the spam museum.

Peggy Barthel

Spam a museum.

Tony Barthel

I am more excited about that than I would be going to. I don't know where some fancy,

Peggy Barthel

Some national fancy National Park. Park or Natural History Museum or <laugh>

Tony Barthel

Natural History. I, I like Spam baby. So Yeah. Big Texan.

Peggy Barthel

So we do look for crazy things like that. And one of the ways I do it is with an app called Roadside. And it is from Roadside America. You can say where you're gonna be and it'll tell you the crazy things that you're able to see. But we've just happened across a few things. Like he's adding things to, I'm training museums, I'm adding

Tony Barthel

Sure. For sure. We've stayed at some,

Peggy Barthel

We've stayed at some train museums. We happened to cross a couple of, not real train, but model train. Oh yeah. Museums or, well that one in Texas. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

Gosh, that was amazing.

Peggy Barthel

That was super fun.

Tony Barthel

The Corvette Museum.

Peggy Barthel

The Corvette Museum.

Tony Barthel

That was cool. And we saw somebody take delivery of their new Corvette. Yeah, we did. I'm soja.

Peggy Barthel

That was fun. We, 2021, we did the whole Route 66, which we, that should have been on there as a dream. But we didn't do it with a 2205. So it didn't get on longest trips. <laugh>. Yep. List.

Tony Barthel

That was our first Rockwood

Peggy Barthel

To cross. Yeah. That was our first Rockwood. We happened to cross, well, we intentionally looked for muffler men. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

Those, those giant fiberglass men from international fiberglass in Venice that were made in the sixties. Although I found several of them are recreations, including my favorite Buck Adam in

Peggy Barthel

Tulsa. Oh yeah. Well we knew he was,

Tony Barthel

Who was getting a big fiberglass girlfriend. Yes.

Peggy Barthel

And we also to cross the Uranus fudge factory.

Tony Barthel

Oh, you, yeah. It is every 12 year old's dream to do the marketing for

Peggy Barthel

Uranus factory, Uranus fudge factory. The best fudge comes from Uranus, don't you know?

Tony Barthel

Yes, indeed. <laugh>. Yep. I, it. It's, yeah. I love that goofy,

Peggy Barthel

Silly things like that. Ridiculous museums. Fun museums. A lot of those are harvest hosts. And so we get to spend the night in a safe place and then go check out the ridiculousness that somebody has collected over the years.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. If it's something that's ludicrous, we're interested. We're probably there. We're probably have been there or plan to be there.

Peggy Barthel

So we ask our guests this all the time. What's your worst camping memory? Oh, our worst moment with a 2205 was in Kansas. We were sitting waiting for the guide truck in a construction zone, and we got rear-ended. Yeah. You probably all know this. This was in August of 2022.

Tony Barthel

And the trailer was only a few months old.

Peggy Barthel

The trailer was three months old. We had it from May until August.

Tony Barthel

We had our electric e-bikes on the back, on the back on the bike rack. Yep. This lady just wasn't paying a, I don't know what her deal was, but she just plowed into us. And we were at a dead stop for a good

Peggy Barthel

Minute. A

Tony Barthel

Good minute or

Peggy Barthel

Two. Like literally, I try not to, you know, sometimes you go, I was there for 10 minutes without exaggerating. We were there a full minute

Tony Barthel

At least. And it was a construction zone. So we, there were all these signs, you know, watch out Flagman ahead. How do you miss a big white box in Kansas?

Peggy Barthel

Apparently you do. Right? Well,

Tony Barthel

Well she didn't <laugh>, she

Peggy Barthel

Didn't miss the

Tony Barthel

Big white box. So that trailer got totaled. Right. So we are brand ambassadors for the Rockwood Mini light line. We apparently are the first Forest River brand ambassadors to total one of the RVs. Yeah.

Peggy Barthel

Yes. Yeah. <laugh>.

Tony Barthel

So then we got our second mini light

Peggy Barthel

2205. Yep. Which technically is our third mini light. True. We had true, that's true. A mini light before the 2205. But we're trying to focus a little bit

Tony Barthel

Right. On this specific floor plan. So we got the second one and we have just been traveling

Peggy Barthel

As 20,000 miles, like you said. Yeah, yeah.

Tony Barthel

The funny thing is, about a week ago, we're in a campground and, oh, you know what's funny? It was when we were recording last week's episode. So if you watch on YouTube, you'll see the people in the next site leave. The reason they left,

Peggy Barthel

They had a bad power.

Tony Barthel

They had bad power. The campground comes. Oh my gosh. So they're sitting in a metal chair with the pedestal all open. Right. And the guy's working on it. Well, he couldn't figure it out, which

Peggy Barthel

Is good.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. A real electrician came. But in the meantime, since the site was empty, they looked up and they're, oh, there's a dead branch up there. We

Peggy Barthel

Better get rid of that branch.

Tony Barthel

So they got a pole chainsaw and they couldn't reach the, the branch. So then they got a ladder. So they're up there on a ladder with the pole chainsaw.

Peggy Barthel

Now there were helpers. There were two people holding that ladder while he was up there.

Tony Barthel

The resort we owned in Northern California, we had a lot of trees. And these trees, some of them were quite old. So we have a lot of experience with things falling down from trees. So with that, seeing that and hearing the chainsaw, I'm like, I gotta just supervise this. Right. I go out of the trailer, he's

Peggy Barthel

Like going out the door.

Tony Barthel

I go around and I hear kablam, oh, that's not good. So the branch, when they sawed it, it whacked the ladder, which then came crashing into our trailer. Which punched a hole in the wall. In the trailer. Yep. On the outside. Just behind the, one of the,

Peggy Barthel

On the side wall behind the slide.

Tony Barthel

If you don't know the way this trailer and a lot of trailers are made, it's called a laminated sidewall. Right. It's basically a bunch of layers glued together. So to fix that, you could jury rig patch that, but it wouldn't be the same. So the solution is take it back to Rockwood and replace the entire sidewall. So now Rockwood has to pull the slide box out and take the entire wall off the side of the trailer and replace it with a brand new wall <affirmative>. That's how it's gonna be fixed.

Tony Barthel

To their credit, the campground fully stepped up to the plate. Yes. They're working with Rockwood. They're gonna, yes. They're gonna take care of the whole thing. And it was a beautiful campground and a great owner and great people there. We, we have zero complaints. It was a stuff happens type of situation, but unfortunately the stuff happened to us.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. So, so what, why did we choose a 2205? Why did we decide that all of these adventures were gonna happen in this particular floor model? Well,

Tony Barthel

A number of things this size, it's the right length for mooching in people's driveways. Right. <laugh>, we have mooched in several driveways. Yes. It fits in all the national state parks. All of that <affirmative>, it's, it's small enough to be maneuverable. Right. But with the slide room, and you know, I'm a slide skeptic. Yep.

Peggy Barthel

But I, when I wrote this on the list, he's like a slide. And I said, I'm sorry, but I don't think we could do this without this slide.

Tony Barthel

We could, but

Peggy Barthel

We would be tripping over each other all the

Tony Barthel

Time. I have to admit, it does add a, it's like a dance floor in here. Right. I also like the fact that it's a rack and pinion slide. It's not a cable slide, it's not a Schwinn tech slide. It is a proper through the frame rack and pinion slide. So in my opinion, that's the best type of slide mechanism.

Peggy Barthel

By the same token, the suspension. Yeah. Is your favorite kind of suspension. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

It's a torsion axle suspension. I watched another video of somebody with a fifth wheel where their old fashioned buggy spring suspension failed again. There are better suspensions out there that translates into a smoother ride, which means less potential damage to the rv. I also, like, we actually use the 22 inch oven

Peggy Barthel

In here. Yeah. So speaking of size, Tony talks every week about those ridiculous, stupid 17 inch ovens. It's 'cause they're

Tony Barthel


Peggy Barthel

They're not as tall. So I don't know if that's, if that's ever clear. We're not talking about width side to side. They're all kind of the same. Yeah. It's like inside is about 15 by 15. But the height, there are little shorty ones that you can cook a pizza in. And then there are tall ovens that you can actually cook a prime rib in. And we know. Yeah. And we have, because we did it <laugh>

Tony Barthel

And the 17 inch ovens also have real hotspots.

Peggy Barthel

They do tend to have more hotspots.

Tony Barthel

So they're terrible. They're just worthless. So

Peggy Barthel

A lot of people put a stone, like an glazed stone for evenness. We haven't even bothered to do that because as long as we keep an eye on things, maybe turn 'em once in while. But I don't even remember to do that all the time. We have had phenomenal luck with our oven.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. Because it's, and so what I've been told is the difference in cost to the manufacturer between the 17 inch oven and the 22 inch oven is $38. Right. So for $38, you're getting something that goes from being worthless to

Peggy Barthel

Functional. It's not worthless if you only like cookies

Tony Barthel

And then you have some brown burn cookies and

Peggy Barthel

Some rock cookies and it makes more storage for those little tiny rigs. Well then put that don't have a lot of storage. Well sure. But I'm just saying there is a justification for it. No, there's not. We don't want one. But there are reasons to put 'em. We just don't like 'em.

Tony Barthel

No, they're not. It's a lot of money wasted on something nobody uses. However, now there are more and more RVs where instead of a propane oven, they're including a convection microwave oven. Sure. And that I think is fine. And because

Peggy Barthel

That what we use in the house. So we know that works <laugh>. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

So anyway, another thing is just how these things are made. These are, I mean, 20,000 miles, we really haven't had any

Peggy Barthel


Tony Barthel

Major failures. I mean, they are, well-made trailers, Rockwood laminates their own walls in house. They vacuum laminate instead of pinch roll. They use torsion axle suspensions. They use frameless windows. They even have a laminated roof. And just on and on. There's a lot of aspects of build quality where this is a good trailer. And you know, people who say, oh, forest River. Forest River is like General Motors of the seventies.

Tony Barthel

They make some great stuff and they make some stuff that's clearly price focused. Yeah. Because that's what the market demands. So these are, well-made trailers. <affirmative>, I, I'm very pleased with it. Also, they do a lot of things that are better features. Like they use the high performance Max air fans. There's a shower miser, so that helps you save water when you're boondocking. Right. And redirects the water back into the fresh water system. You like the storage

Peggy Barthel

<laugh>, the storage inside and outside storage. We, you know, with the 1905 with the Murphy bed up front, we had these three little tiny cabinets that we had to, you know, really organize and keep things in. When we got the 2205 with the whole pass through under the front of the bed, even though a lot of it is taken up by the power package, I wouldn't skip that for the universe. But even with that space taken, we have so much space in that pass through.

Peggy Barthel

Now we do fill it, don't get me wrong. Oh yeah. You know, the fact is all those things that we need, there's room for them. And then inside we've got five kitchen drawers. We had one kitchen drawer. In the original trailer. We have two pantries. We have cabinets in the bathroom, we have the closets. And then the over the bed cabinets, one of kitchen cabinets. These cabinets, we have room really for all the things that we feel we need for 50 days on the road.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. It's amazing how much interior storage there is because we have looked at some other RVs. Yeah. And it's like, oh that's great. And then we're like, oh, we wouldn't,

Peggy Barthel

The floor plan is terrific, but there's one closet and one kitchen cabinet. Yeah. Like where are we gonna put all our stuff?

Tony Barthel

But one of the best features is the power package. And that is something, you know, we talk about A B, C Outfitters every week. And we were introduced to them from our friends at Rockwood. We hadn't heard of them before. And they're like, well this company creates lithium and solar systems for both individuals and for companies like Rockwood. So Rockwood looked around, said, who makes really great systems? And they chose A, B, C Upfitters.

Tony Barthel

And part of the reason is they use all master volt power systems, which are used in the marine industry. They are very high quality. Master volt makes all of the components. And so there's no, this company pointing fingers at that company, blah, blah, blah. Basically if you have any questions, the folks from A B, C Upfitters are there to answer them. They're very responsive, especially there's a power package Facebook group.

Tony Barthel

But they're very responsive to questions and honest. They are also good at answering their phone. So if you're looking for your own solar and lithium system, perhaps give a BC upfitters a call. They, they really do an exceptional job. They listen to you. They have a whole range of systems available that they can put together tailored to what you plan to do. Do you just need a battery to keep the 12 volt fridge running? Do you want a ludicrous system that you can run air conditioners off the grid, whatever it is.

Tony Barthel

They can help you put this together and do it with high quality parts that all work together. I mean, we've had zero issues with this system at all. We just, we don't even bother when we get home. You know, we're off the road for a while. Just leave the fridge running and use it as a household fridge.

Peggy Barthel

Yeah. Please use it as a refrigerator. What do you want for dinner? I gotta go to the camper and get it <laugh>. Yeah.

Tony Barthel

I mean, and so if you want that kind of reliability and quality, A, B, CF fitters is a great company to work with. And you can give them a call 5 7 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 5. That's 5, 7, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2 5. But quite honestly, we have been so impressed with both them and the system.

Peggy Barthel

Now we will add then that, that is one of the reasons that we are in a 2205. We were ready for a new trailer. We thought we might want the 2109. And Rockwood said, well look it, we'd like you to test out this package from A, B, C Upfitters. And they need, because it was new and they were still practicing, they need you to have a trailer with a drop frame. So you need the 2205 or the 25, whatever, whatever. And we didn't wanna go that big.

Peggy Barthel

We didn't want 25. So we agreed to the 2205. So that adds three more features above the 2109. They're almost exactly the same. But the drop frame, which gives a bigger pass through, it's huge. It's huge. Huge. I have crawl, even with the A BC system in there, I've crawled through it twice because we've got things in the way of the door latch. Yeah. And I had to crawl through and move things outta the way of the door latch. And then also the 2109, the difference. We have a fireplace, which which we,

Tony Barthel


Peggy Barthel

Didn't really care about. Yeah. When we were like, what do we want a fireplace? But I gotta tell you, when we are hooked up right now, we have that fireplace. It gave us a little heat this morning. But mostly it's a fire. It's, I mean, obviously fake, but it's pretty, it's like adorable. Well

Tony Barthel

Yeah, we thought it was kind of silly. We're like, what do we want that for?

Peggy Barthel

But it's actually a little,

Tony Barthel

We're like little

Peggy Barthel

Electric. Yeah. It's a little electric space heater. Yeah. So it is. It does have function as well as just cuteness. And then we have a pantry that the 2109 doesn't have. Yeah. So those three things, like now that I have them, I would hate to go back.

Tony Barthel

I wonder we need to have the trailer scaled again. Because you're right. We have a lot of storage and

Peggy Barthel

Use it.

Tony Barthel

There's nothing that's not full. So

Peggy Barthel

Well, yeah.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. So what would we change about this?

Peggy Barthel

What would we change? Well, I'm not so sure that we feel that we need the windshield. Well, I know we don't need the windshield because we covered it with padded cover. That's velcroed on the outside over a year ago and have never taken it off.

Tony Barthel

Well, and then part of that is because we chipped the windshield within the first two weeks of having this trailer. And we chipped the windshield in the last

Peggy Barthel

Trailer and the one that was only three months old had a chip in it.

Tony Barthel

I would say I would love that windshield if there was a doggone cover like in the old ones <affirmative>. Yeah. There used to be a lift up cover so

Peggy Barthel

We could actually use the windshield. Yeah. When we're parked. But we'd aren't chipping the windshield when we're driving the windshield in Murphy bed units. I don't understand at all. <laugh>. Well,

Tony Barthel

Because there's only one nose cap. Right.

Peggy Barthel

For all the Rockwood. Right. And that's what gets put in.

Tony Barthel

Yeah. I think the windshield is silly.

Peggy Barthel

So that is something I would have been perfectly fine without.

Tony Barthel

Let's talk plumbing, shall we?

Peggy Barthel

Well, let's do this real quick. 'cause I wrote another note. I called it the tower of power. So in the kitchen there's the sink, there's some counter space and there's the stove. This is the 2023 model. In the 2022 model, the stove was closer to the sink and the counter space was all on that side of the stove. I don't think it had a tower of power. And by that I mean one of those popup power towers, I don't know that has called, it's an induction charger. Induction charger on top. And then it's got like two electrical outlets and one or two USB outlets.

Peggy Barthel

It's very, very handy. But because it's in the countertop in the center between the sink and the stove, we can't put things all the way back to the wall, which is a window. So maybe it's better that way anyway. Yeah. But in the old one, I don't think we had a tower of power, but the counter space was all on the other side of the stove. So we could kind of put things over there and they were out of the way.

Tony Barthel

There is a flip up countertop extension.

Peggy Barthel

There is a countertop extension. There's plenty of countertop. And yeah, it works really well for us. But sometimes that tower of power kind of feels like it's in the way. But I wouldn't wanna be without it. So,

Tony Barthel

Okay, now I'll get to plumbing. Now

Peggy Barthel

You can get to plumbing because it is gonna take a minute. Industry

Tony Barthel

Loves to use pex clamps on braided tubing and it leaks. I have not talked to any longtime RVs who has not had a problem with this RV industry. You need to quit doing it because we have now had our water heater fixed three times from the doggone PEX clamp failing and the hot water line coming off. And I know there are connections behind walls that I can't see. And that bugs me. RV industry needs to stop doing pec clamps on braided lines.

Tony Barthel

Period. Stop it. Now,

Peggy Barthel

The fact is they use both PEX and braided

Tony Barthel

Lines. Yeah. The PEX

Peggy Barthel

Is fine. If it was all Pex with PEX fittings, that's a great solution. Well it, yeah.

Tony Barthel

I mean, I understand the use of braided line because it's flexible and like coming out of the water heater, it would vibrate the whole plumbing system, the water pump. Oh, if you have a slide room, you need flex. So I understand the use of flexible line. Just put the right,

Peggy Barthel

Put the right fitting on it.

Tony Barthel

Fitting on it. Yeah. You get that RVIA sticker on your wall when you buy a new RV to me, this plumbing practice, and it's universal in the RV industry. Yeah. There are very few companies that don't do this, but it makes it worthless. So the RVIA, that's what your plumbing sticker has value to RV owners. Nothing because fix it. Fix it. So I don't keep having to fix it and wondering what's going on behind walls.

Peggy Barthel

Now some manufacturers are changing that, right? They, yeah, they key recognize the problem. Well,

Tony Barthel

Key Stone, for example, doesn't do it

Peggy Barthel

Really. When you talk to Rockwood, they had a excuse. But a kind of a legitimate excuse is when we have a plumbing, all of us, when we have a plumbing problem, we're camping somewhere. We fix the problem. We don't take it in for warranty because, no, because if we take it back to our dealer, chances are we're gonna miss the whole season just for one little leak. So slightly in their defense, they didn't know they had a problem because there were no warranty claims. How are, people aren't calling Rockwood every time and say, Hey, I had to fix my plumbing today.

Peggy Barthel

Right. They kind of weren't that aware.

Tony Barthel

Well, and it's a common practice in the industry. 'cause it's fast and cheap. Right.

Peggy Barthel

So maybe it needs to stop, maybe it'll start getting changed a little bit.

Tony Barthel

Well, I'm not gonna be quiet about it. Right. <laugh>,

Peggy Barthel

I, I, I,

Tony Barthel

It's a terrible practice that needs to stop. Yeah. Period. Yeah. And I, and like I say, universally, I know lots of people who've had failures, so,

Peggy Barthel

So we just realized how long we've been talking. Yeah. So we're gonna just finish. Okay. So what would we change? What did we change? What? No, I'm sorry. What would we change? We already talked about that. What did we change? Well, obviously we took the theater seats outta the slide.

Tony Barthel

<laugh>, well, it's not obvious, but yeah, we took out the theater

Peggy Barthel

Seat. Yes. So this usually comes with theater seats. You know, the two recliners with the little center console. And

Tony Barthel

A tv.

Peggy Barthel

And a tv, which we don't have anymore. In the original trailer, which I call the summer trailer that got rear ended, we had taken the theater seats out and bought these office chairs. So when we got the this trailer, Rockwood said, well, if you're gonna take 'em out anyway, we're not gonna bother putting 'em in <laugh>. Yeah. So we have our little office, we've got these plastic tables that we use as desks, and we've got our office chairs. The theater seats are super comfortable if you're just gonna kick back and watch the television. We don't watch tv. So we don't watch television. So we needed office space.

Peggy Barthel

So that's what we changed in that

Tony Barthel

We also asked them not to put the shower enclosure in. And we built our own out of PVC pipe. Yes. <affirmative>. Or Pex, I'm sorry. It is Pex Pipe. Is it? And PVC? Yeah, it's Pex and PVC.

Peggy Barthel

Oh, okay.

Tony Barthel

We swapped out the refrigerator for a Dometic fridge.

Peggy Barthel

We did, because we liked the Dometic one better. It

Tony Barthel

Just, yeah. We changed the door latch for an RV lock. We

Peggy Barthel

Got an RV lock. We did get a ghost bed mattress. <affirmative>, which, you know, everybody changes out the mattress, so that's not a surprise. We just happened to get a ghost bed and we got a hole drilled in. Not punched in, but drilled in on purpose.

Tony Barthel

Yeah, we did the, that hole is

Peggy Barthel

Different for the starlink cable to go through so that he can have his cable, we can have the dish outside and the router inside. We used to feed it through as we were opening the slide, and we decided that it was a lot easier to just have a hole and everything can be stored in the pass through. Yep.

Tony Barthel

And a few other little stuff. But that's effectively what we've changed

Peggy Barthel

<laugh>. So we've been talking a lot and we just looked at the clock and realized we've filled up our hour already. Yeah. And so we're gonna stop here and we're gonna come back next week with all that other stuff. We usually do the How's that <laugh>,

Tony Barthel

The stuff. You

Peggy Barthel

Should know that other stuff.

Tony Barthel

Then in conclusion, we invite you to join us on the various socials. Find us on our website, be part of our mailing list, where we only send one email a week, <laugh>. And with that, we sincerely appreciate you joining us about our Rockwood Mini Light in our Rockwood Mini Light. Yeah. And most of all, we wish you Stressless camping.

Mark Ferrell

We hope you learned a lot and had some fun and got some tips for your next Stressless camping Adventure. We're honored by your reviews on Apple Podcasts, which helps others find us too. Don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss out on the adventure. And we look forward to your joining us next week. Until then, happy camping.

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